Tell me if my band sucks or not.

I hope that you are posting here to get some attention to your band, because if there is one "rule" on how to eventually make it in music, its having faith in what you are doing - no matter what other people say/feel/think about it. Other peoples opinion should not mean anything to you when it comes arranging, composing or choosing a certain style.

You will have an easier task to convince people that your music is something unique and special and worth their attention, if you have 100 % faith in what you are doing and do what you do, regardless what other people think/feel about it.

You should post by the header: This band is worth your time-check it out!


Wow, thanks for the replies. Right now my band is aming for a sort of heavy melodic but commercial sound. Most of those mp3's are like over a year old. If I can get my firewire card to work again I'll rip some audio from a show we did 2 weeks ago.