Tempesta...Ian...Vera...and Brian Posehn????


Chief Ten Beers
Jun 25, 2004
In the Pabst Brewery
I just read one of Brians posts on his board and this is what he wrote. Not to sure how serious he is...I guess it would be interesting
I heard a rumor that your putting a comedy album out of Relapse records, esteemed metal record label? Is it going to happen? It sounds like a great match up?
Brian Posehn
yep, details will follow soon. I love the label and it's a really great fit for what I want to do in the next couple of years. The first record will be mostly stand-up with two songs that I'm recording this weekend. I think people will dig it. The line-up for the first two songs is Scott Ian-guitars, Joey Vera-bass, with John Tempesta on drums. And I'm handling the yelling and screaming. We just rehearsed and my ears are fucking ringing as I type this. I haven't been this excited about a project in a while.
Brian Posehn: Some details - we tracked the instruments today for the two songs. They both sound killer. We did a new full-length version of "Try Again" the Titannica song from the Mr. Show sketch of the same name. It will also include an audio sketch with Odenkirk and myself as Titannica that sets up the song. People always ask me when Titannica's getting back together. Even though they were probably joking, it's happening. I wrote some dumb new lyrics that my friends are really laughing at.

I'm even more excited about the other song. It's my take on the current state of metal, called "Metal By Numbers". It's a novelty metal song (take that, Scatterbrain) with retarded lyrics, but the music totally rips. It's very METAL and legendary metal producer Bill Metoyer is doing a kick ass job on it. I can't wait til people can hear it.

MyHatred said:
Here is where I would post something shitty about the CDC but I refrain from doing it:D
Of course you refrain. You know as well as the rest of us that the CDC is worth EVERY PENNY.

To read Scott's Blog on this subject, go HERE.