Ten Masked Men – Ten Masked Men, Strike Back EP, The Phantom Masked Menace, The Retur


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
Ten Masked Men – Ten Masked Men, Strike Back EP, The Phantom Masked Menace, The Return Of The Ten Masked Men
Out By Five Records – 1999, 2000, 2003
By Russell Garwood


Ten Masked Men are… presumably… well, ten masked men. They definitely wear masks, and - according to the inlay notes - there are ten members, despite only showing five. Those identified are vocalist Mark “The Mauler”, guitarists Dave “the Chef”, and Charlie “The Knife”, “The Mysterious Horn” on bass, and Pablo “The Snoot” on drums. It is unclear if the other members, be it Billy Bub “The Janitor” (PR), Gary “The Gimp” Hearns, Martin “Meathead” Matthews (“removals”), Neil “Numbnut” Matthews (“friendly advice”), or Ross “Well The Incident” (“interstellar liaisons”), play any purpose other than making the numbers. But really, who cares – it’s ten men, in masks, playing death metal pop song covers! Growl along now…

And yes, before you start re-reading what I have just said, these ten cuddly characters play unique renditions of acts like Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake, along with classics from the era of Spandau Ballet and mullets, before topping it off with a nice collection of James Bond songs. With guitars are tuneful enough to make the original tune recognizable, and a crunchy tone, there are an abundance of catchy melodies. The vocals are an easily decipherable but still harsh growl, often layered to mimic the original song. On earlier releases the drums sound programmed, but the addition of “The Snoot” is a definite improvement. The bass is powerful and easily audible in a well balanced mix.

The band’s first, self-titled album and debut EP are available on one disk. Standouts include covers of Michael Jackson’s“Beat It”, Oasis’ “Wonderwall”, The Police’s “Message In A Bottle”, and “Gold”, by Spandau Ballet. On the EP is a version of “Papa Don’t Preach” (Madonna), clearly superior in its death-metally goodness to other recent covers . My favourite tracks on “Return Of The Ten Masked Men” are a rather less forgiving version of Ricky Martin’s “Livin’ La Vida Loca”, “Blue” by Eiffel 65 and Britney Spears’ “Baby One More Time”, which despite it’s make-over is worryingly easy to identify. Their latest offering boasts 14 covers, including “Cry Me A River”, “Hot Stuff”, “New York, New York”, and “Genie In A Bottle”.

In case you hadn’t guessed it by now, Ten Masked Men have their tongues firmly planted in their cheeks. This is made more entertaining considering the fact that they are all actually competent musicians, with a knack of completely rearranging songs while keeping them identifiable. As such, all these releases are highly entertaining, and well worth hearing for novelty value alone.

Official Ten Masked Men Website