Terms And Conditions For The Invaders To Read

Dear Young Invaders,

REGRETTABLY, as you intend to extend your spindly digits into this territory, you will want to note a few legalities set forth by the WELL associates, as is customary during a time of conflict between enlightened peoples. I am not certain if the young spiders of your clan are aware of this, but as such, you have a willing mitigator who is now asking you to observe thusly:

1.) REFRAIN from applying black fingernail polish during this scenario. True, your thumbworn TSR modules carry many a dark smear amongst their pages, and it may very well resemble something of a badge of honor to your, shall we say, "emotionally-driven" musical pursuits.

HOWEVER, We, as individuals hoping to pick up the pieces when this silliness ends, are a group who wish to maintain the robustness of our toxin-free blood reservioirs from your implied nail scratchings, (mostly) refrain from extraneous cuticle decor and STRONGLY suggest that you resist the urges and do the same. Have note, there are exceptions to this rule from within our own ranks, and they emenate from the mid-western state(s). Yet, we expect utter complicity.

2.) SURELY your hair is well groomed and kempt free of the split-ends, and much mirror time is alloted during your morning and nightly rituals; however, please do not cry as long and hard as we anticipate when it is snagged from your scalp. A succinct end is a quick end, if you catch my drift.

3.) FOR your own benefit, as well as ours, please, do not rile the Azal. Trust my judgement on this one.

I will continue to add to this list, as necessity demands.

Thank you, my fine Goth knights. Your time and comprehensional skills are payment enough!

- The Idea Professor

professor, do we have to abide by the Geneva Conventions for any POWs we capture? because if they are hot women I think we will have some difficulty convince azal not to poop on them.