terrible luck...


Juke Box Hero
Sep 18, 2006
my birthday was yesterday so i had planned to treat myself to a les claypool show, with a band called secret chiefs 3 opening for them.

we drove 2 1/2 hours from our house to new orleans, only to find ourselves in a major traffic jam cause by some stupid ass parade. we wanted to show up way early to avoid the stupid ticket bastard fees and buy directly from the venue. but no, all the time we left early was ate up by the parade. we managed to get parked and make it to the box office, but when we got there, there were only 4 people in front of us getting tickets, and the guy says over the mic "les claypool sold out!"

needless to say we wasted a good 6-7 hours of our lives and lots of gas only to come all the way back with no good memories to show for it!

fucking parade
It was all doomed from the start because something bad had to happen in honor of your 666 post. That does certainly suck though.
I had a similar experience a few years ago with Sonata Arctica canceling the Hartford show the same day of. Drove 2 hours there (with a ticket purchased online the night before) to find this out. Was a waste of some vacation time too as the show was a Wednesday. At least when I drove back out there again on Friday to see Opeth with Devin Townsend Band & Dark Tranquility there was no similar problems.
Reminds me of when I drove down alone to Tallahassee, Florida many years ago to see my budz in Godhead play a show on the UF campus. They were opening for Christian Death. Everything was set and I headed down...only to find when I got there that the school had cancelled the show for, apparently, religious reasons. (It's not as if Christian Death were all that eeeevil, either. I suppose Dimmu Borgir or Darkthrone playing there is Right Out. :erk: ) This was before the era of cellphones and they had no way of letting me know.

I think that's about a 4-5 hour drive. Each way. I was so disappointed that I decided to have the concert ANYWAY, and drove home with some Godhead CDs cranked up so loud I ended up partly blowing one of my car speakers. Whups! :lol:

--And then there was the time I flew up to DC to see Hawkwind at the 9:30 Club....and the show had been cancelled. :cry:
i feel your pain

maybe, as pointed out earlier, this 667th post will break my bad string of karma haha!

i guess from now on ill just go through ticketbastard. i just HAAAAAAAAAATE paying 20 extra bucks for some bullshit fee.

and fuck parades man, i fucking hate parades
ive already seen claypool once, and it was fantastic. i think we have different tastes.

I like Claypool's stuff but I just didn't really enjoy the show that much. We left about halfway through but it seemed like they focused more on the backing band than Claypool. I didn't really want to see another 3 xylophone solos. They were all talented guys though.
and fuck parades man, i fucking hate parades

You said it, man. Never understood parades, why people attend them or watch them on tv. Just fucking traffic nightmares. I had to be at a Cubs game for work one year and the damn Puerto Rican Day parade fucked me. I was foolishly speeding to make up time and rear ended someone in the process. No real damage but still, fucking parades.
I like Claypool's stuff but I just didn't really enjoy the show that much. We left about halfway through but it seemed like they focused more on the backing band than Claypool. I didn't really want to see another 3 xylophone solos. They were all talented guys though.

haha, thats one thing i loved about the show. that xylophone player was fucking insane... im guessing it was the same guy

what about secret chiefs 3, i was excited to see those guys
I drove 2 hours up to Atlanta probably about 13 years ago to see Anthrax, only to arrive and find out they were stranded in New York and the show here was cancelled. Talk about one pissed off bitch. I don't even remember what we wound up doing, but I do remember that was when I decided my boyfriend needed dumping 'cuz he was annoying. :D
I am glad I didn't go see Soilwork when they just came through, because they hit an ice storm and had to cancel in Dallas. My friend was going to see protest the hero a couple of nights ago, and I wish that I was going, but they ended up cancelling as well, so I am worried the next concert I try going to is going to get cancelled.