Terrorizer Album of the Month is NOT British!!


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
The jan/feb edition (#116) awards KEELHAUL (Subject to Change without Notice) the album of the month, with 9.5/10. These guys are from...wait for it....Cleveland, USA! o_O

I thought npearce would be interested since he already mentioned this band previously. And then Erik said something about pirates. :tickled:

Interesting edition actually, going through each track on the new Probot with Dave Grohl. Other interesting features cover Deicide, Mastodon, and Iced Earth.

The album that caught my interest the most was SEND MORE PARAMEDICS - The Hallowed and the Heathen, described as a "hardcore zombie thrash act" with a "smorgasbord of Exodus-crunchy riffage and shoutalong infectiousness". Authored by Jim Martin. :cool:
- Aren't you the founding members of Keelhaul, the world's loudest pirate speed metal band?
- Not likely...neither of us can carry a tune.
- Neither can Keelhaul.
I've got Keelhaul's three albums. They are more or less an instrumental band (vocals are strewn throughout, but are not the main attraction). If you like Isis' rockin' moments, 5ive's rockin' tunes, then chances are you'll like Keelhaul.

Me, I haven't "gotten" them yet.
I emailed Keelhaul about an interview (which I still haven't done), and one of the guys sent me back some response about hotdogs or something. Apparently they're real weirdos.

Anyway . . . Keelhaul is excellent. I think I actually rated the album too low in my review.

GOOD NEWS FOR TERRORIZER: My "inside" sources tell me that Jon Selzer (the editor from "the good years") is coming back to make things right again. He quit to make more money somewhere else or something like that about a year ago.
npearce - what the heck are you doing working for a bank in CA? Move to England, get an apartment on the outskirts of London, and join the Terrorizer staff - all whilst travelling to Ireland, Sweden, and Northern Italy on the weekends. And maybe Greece for the occasional Iced Earth / Virgin Steele gig.

Oh and thanks for the paypal. :cool:
I'll be giving Frost an awesome review . . . as will Terrorizer, I'm sure. But I wasn't going to submit reviews. They have a million people that want to do that. I will probably submit an article/interview or something.