Test Mix before we start recording album.


Sep 19, 2009
We start recording our album (concept album....16 tracks, jesus).

Hardware is dual Presonus Firepods, KRK RP6's. Reaper for my DAW.

Cheap CAD pro drum mic set minus the SM on the snare. Individually miced, but that doesn't matter because my room is shit. Working on that, but for this album I'm using drum samples triggered by Drumagog.

Guitars/bass are all DI and are all Guitar Rig 4 with custom presets (yes I know, and I do have the Le and TS30, and Nick's sim). Using Kefir for Mesa Impulses.

No vocals on this test mix, just prepping some recording/mixing techniques before we start on this bitch. I've been recording my ex-band (punk) for two years now, first metalish thing I've done in ages so I'm trying to get a grasp. I'm running Waves SSL EQ/comp on the guitars and bass. The OH's have some compression and the whole kit has a little bit of reverb to kind of mix things together. Guitars are double tracked, my brother is the other guitarist along with me. Two different guitars (S520EX on my side (left), Schecter C1 for him (right)). Guitars are panned 80% both ways. The guitar's are a bit sloppy and will be tightened up in the end.

Any tips are greatly appreciated!


I have lots of troubles with getting levels and compression right.


New Mix.


Tons of changes, changed the Guitars to 8505 with Kefir Mesa impulses and re-recorded heavy parts. Rolled off 100hz on everything but bass and kick. Eq'd guitars and bass. Compression on everything, compressed the hell out of the bass. Added reverb to drum kit minus kick. Changed sample for Kick to lower tone. Added SSL comp on master buss to try to glue things together.
I really dig the snare - is it a sample from here?

You need to take the reverb off the kick (have some on snare/toms and even OHs if you want, but very rarely can it sound good on kicks. Modern kicks are just too scooped for it to sound good). Guitars are very sloppy, and just pan them 100%, there's no reason not to. And if you've got better software amps, use them!

The bass needs to be controlled a lot more. Compress/limit it to FUCK, especially the low-end.
Yep, sure is. It was in Erkhans Organize Collection rar he put up. It's the Behindert A Snare 01. Tom's are Andy's and the Kick is the Paramore kick. I just liked the sound of the kick, Andy's was a little clicky for me and this type of music.

Will remove the kick and try the Nick or TSE again. I had tried them before but couldn't get a really good bite to them, but I've heard plenty around here get this using the same sim.

I noticed that the guitars are actually panned 100, haha. Woops. They are sloppy, we are going to re-record this weekend and fix that. I may end up doing the rhythms myself to make sure they are tight. I just hate pulling the James Hetfield, haha. I compresses the bass to hell, guess it needs more. thats a big problem I always have, the bass on my recording tends to be out of control.

Thank you so much for the tips! I'll put up another mix later!
I agree with everything Morgan said, Drums sound pretty cool, guitars are not tight enough, bass is a bit out of control, and it seems to me like the whole mix is a bit "unglued", like you need more effective compression/automation on everything.

But not bad though, it's a good start, just needs some finetuning
What compression plugins do you guys usually rely on? I was using the SSL EQ which has the compression built in, but now I'm trying Rcomp and seem to be getting much better results. Thanks for all the help and good vibes. I'm working on it!
Sounds much better , the only real issue I have is that the song is a bit bland, it only has 3 sections and goes on for quite a while, maybe try adding a different section or just thinning out the textures and have just the drums and bass or something.