
oh i know i dont have to, i just know i will. Ill get tired of such a long box, as much as i post, i could fill up a page in a matter of minutes with this baby.

The song is called *Melancholy Emperor* , by Cathedral. LEe DOrian is a very good lryricist, and i love his vox as well. But his lyrics, to me they really stand out, always dark, and his genre is DOOM, and the songs really smell of doom. ITs just good wholesome, family time music in my opinion.
DUde, hell yeah, CATHEDRAL!!! Let me give a list of songs later. Now, in the middle of their carrer, tyhey switched to a very heavy strange stoner/doom style. BUt they are back on the doom tred wheele as of teh newest cd ENDTYME. It is great stuff.


The guitar player is Gary 'Gaz" Jennings. He is great man, he knows all the styles as well. ANd it really shows if you follow their whole carreer. I ahev all their stuff, even the radio promos from 91, and up. I love this band.
remember, they went stoner/doom for a while. SO be carefull what you DL. The list is coming. i have not been on line for nearly 50 hours.