Testament at Earthshaker Fest


New Metal Member
Mar 10, 2007
Dear Earthshakers, :rock:

We are pleased to welcome a series of new calibers at this years
Earthshaker Fest, the new confirmed artists are: Within Temptation,
Cradle Of Filth, Testament, God Dethroned, Graveworm and that is not
everything, more bands will be announced shortly, stay tuned, the yet
confirmed billing reads as follows:

EARTHSHAKER FEST 19. - 21. July 2007 in 92286 Rieden - Kreuth (near
Nurnberg) Germany
Motörhead - Within Temptation - Cradle of Filth - Testament - Kreator -
Sepultura - J.B.O -
Gamma Ray - U.D.O. - Unleashed - Korpiklaani - Legion Of The Damned -
God Dethroned - Freedom Call - Norther -
Dew Scented - Keep Of Kalessin - Hatesphere - Graveworm - Threshold -
Mystic Prophecy - Eluveitie - Melechesh - Beatallica - and many more !
We are pleased to welcome you !
Your Earthshaker Team

Infos & tickets at www.earthshaker-fest.com
Tickethotline: 01805- 969 00 00