Testament Live


May 4, 2012
I just saw Testament live last night or the ninth time, as they played Center Stage in Atlanta. As always, I'm amazed at how awesome they still are. They really shredded, particularly Chuck Billy, whose voice is as good as it ever was. They had a blast live, particularly in Over the Wall, when Chuck brought up a pre-teen and gave him the mic during the solo, and the young boy did some pretty good death metal growls. That must have been a blast for him. My only complaints of the show were the fact they did nothing from Formation of Damnation, and that the sound wasn't always at its best, particularly burying Chuck's voice in the mix in numerous spots.
I thought the band sounded as good as they ever have. This is the 6th or 7th time seeing the band and the 3rd different venue. I do agree that there were a couple points where Chuck Billy's vocals seemed to be lower in the mix than the band. But overall, the band completely kicked ass. I could have done without both guitar solos, the bass solo and drum solo to instead have gotten more songs.

Prong was a lot better than I was expecting. Congrats to Tommy Victor and band.