Testament @ The Congress Theater

It took me a while to get them posted, but here are my shots from The Congress Theater...

I'll be shooting them again in November when they come through Milwaukee.

Nice photos! I have seen them twice on this tour. They are on the top of their game right now for sure. Its crazy though how for lack of better terms 'fat' Chuck and Eric hav gotten lol. But it's all good Chuck sounds better than ever, one of the best voices in all of thrash thats for sure! Eric still shreds
You know..I really do wish they would loose some weight.

I think they just drink a lot of beer :D It's amazing looking back at clips from Testament back in the day at how thin Chuck and Eric were. I guess it doesn't really matter as long as the music still kicks ass!
I think they just drink a lot of beer :D It's amazing looking back at clips from Testament back in the day at how thin Chuck and Eric were. I guess it doesn't really matter as long as the music still kicks ass!

I know Chuck blew up really big when he was on chemo and he doesn't seem to have shaken it off. Once you get chemo in your system you're never the same. My father is battling cancer and has finally said that he's done with the chemo and is going through radiation as a last effort to be cured. He looks 40 lbs heavier than he actually is. I know Chuck has been in remission for 10 years now but it still looks like the chemo fucked up his body.

Eric has always been a bit chubby so it's no real surprise. At least none of them are as big as Jon Oliva though who just looks like he ate the Twinkie factory and washed it down with a vat of jam.