Testing new things...and Christmas time!

Thanks for the opinion man!

I have use TSEX30 (by onqel), and s-preshigh and Greg impulses combined. Before this, a Gate and MixPressor2. After recording, Only EQ, in the buss guitar and L2 for peaks.

What do you like more?, A or B? I´ts no much different between, but a bit!!

Thanks for the visit!
i like B a little more i think. seems to set in the mix a tad better, though A has some nice weight to it. also, what are your gate settings? whenever i use x30 i get an annoying hiss that i cant seem to get rid of.
I like more B too!!, thanks :)


Before of TX30 and impulses...I have a Gate with this settings:


Gate Open: -50.8
Gate Close: -50.8
Attack: 2.00
Release: 30
Hold: 0.01

But this depends of your guitar and pickup noise...so take up or down your Gate or play with attack/release

After gate goes the MixPressor2

So, this is the chain:
-Lecab with impulses