Teutoburg Forest is an Anti-Cosmic emanation, a testament to the strength of the Self above all beings. Created, preformed and produced entirely by an individual wishing to ascend beyond current limitations. This volitive being is Donn, who has finally decided to release it's existing works to a wider audience, as a precursor to a much larger endeavor the "Emanation of Thought".
The Emanation of Thought is the culmination of both spiritual and philosophical workings, embodied within seven intertwined musical projects accompanied by art work and written text to explain the revelation of thought within the individual.
Donn is now looking to communicate with like minded individuals to further develop exterior understanding.
Visit Teutoburg Forest myspace to experience the existing thought and feel free to contact/discuss such workings.
The Emanation of Thought is the culmination of both spiritual and philosophical workings, embodied within seven intertwined musical projects accompanied by art work and written text to explain the revelation of thought within the individual.
Donn is now looking to communicate with like minded individuals to further develop exterior understanding.
Visit Teutoburg Forest myspace to experience the existing thought and feel free to contact/discuss such workings.