Texas Is On Fire - Shine. Set. Repeat.


Texas Is On Fire - Shine. Set. Repeat.
Crash Music - CMU61160 - August 18th, 2005
By Vince Levalois


This new band comes to us courtesy of Crash Music, formerly Pavement Music, from where more notable releases have sprung, including albums by Flotsam & Jetsam and Malevolent Creation for example. This label hasn't had the best of luck finding quality artists to fill their roster, and Texas Is On Fire's brand of disjointed screamo metalcore is no exception, by a long shot.

I appreciate the fact that this band is formed primarily of young musicians (19 years old average) and that they have seemingly paid their dues on the local Denver, Colorado circuit, but to say that Texas Is On Fire "brings a fresh new sound to an overly saturated genre" is almost adding insult to injury.

"Shine. Set. Repeat" blisters with fast paced tunes and vocals that will occasionally remind you of an At The Gates but that's where friendly comparisons end. You'll find more of a Black Dalia Murder clone sounding wall of crap, with utter disregard for production quality. Kicks are non-present, guitars are a bunch of fuzz, the band as a whole is un-tight and un-fit to be recorded until they bring their basic chops up to speed and someone gives them time to form their own vibe with their influences.

TIOF is nothing more than rehash of the "overly saturated genre." Don't waste your money on this one, even if you wear a white plastic belt, breathe metalcore and love song titles like "No Guys, This Is Epic" or "You're So Going To Hell For That One."

3/10 (can't bring myself to give it a 1, need to leave room for worse)

Texas Is On Fire Official Website
Crash Music Official Website