Thank God the GOP has its priorities in order

Mar 20, 2006
The Iraq war, illegal immigration, the economy, the climate, the war on terror....they all take a back seat to the epidemic that is FLAG BURNING.

Every day millions of American flags are burned by liberal extremists. Studies show that 90% of all purchased American flags are burned within 24 hours. This 4th of July, liberals everywhere will burn the flag and worship Satan.

This is why we need the flag burning ban which will be voted on tomorrow. I'm so glad that the republicans are concentrating on things that REALLY matter.

You see, it's not just a flag. It's a symbol. It's a symbol of AMERICA. It's a symbol of soaring eagles and patriotism and cheeseburgers and apple pie. Excuse me, I'm going to start weeping, I'm just so emotional about my country and my flag.

Of course those filthy liberals will pull their 1st amendment/free speech crap as usual. Hey listen, there's only one amendment that really matters, and that's the SECOND AMENDMENT!
ConservativeWarrior said:
The Iraq war, illegal immigration, the economy, the climate, the war on terror....they all take a back seat to the epidemic that is FLAG BURNING.

Every day millions of American flags are burned by liberal extremists. Studies show that 90% of all purchased American flags are burned within 24 hours. This 4th of July, liberals everywhere will burn the flag and worship Satan.

This is why we need the flag burning ban which will be voted on tomorrow. I'm so glad that the republicans are concentrating on things that REALLY matter.

You see, it's not just a flag. It's a symbol. It's a symbol of AMERICA. It's a symbol of soaring eagles and patriotism and cheeseburgers and apple pie. Excuse me, I'm going to start weeping, I'm just so emotional about my country and my flag.

Of course those filthy liberals will pull their 1st amendment/free speech crap as usual. Hey listen, there's only one amendment that really matters, and that's the SECOND AMENDMENT!

Your sarcasm is lame.
ConservativeWarrior said:
The Iraq war, illegal immigration, the economy, the climate, the war on terror....they all take a back seat to the epidemic that is FLAG BURNING.

Every day millions of American flags are burned by liberal extremists. Studies show that 90% of all purchased American flags are burned within 24 hours. This 4th of July, liberals everywhere will burn the flag and worship Satan.

This is why we need the flag burning ban which will be voted on tomorrow. I'm so glad that the republicans are concentrating on things that REALLY matter.

You see, it's not just a flag. It's a symbol. It's a symbol of AMERICA. It's a symbol of soaring eagles and patriotism and cheeseburgers and apple pie. Excuse me, I'm going to start weeping, I'm just so emotional about my country and my flag.

Of course those filthy liberals will pull their 1st amendment/free speech crap as usual. Hey listen, there's only one amendment that really matters, and that's the SECOND AMENDMENT!

I'm in love with ConservativeWarrior!

No no, its not a faggity, butt-banging thing. Strictly platonic.

I mean, what's there to disagree in his ENTIRE statement? Shit! Ann Coulter, take a back seat! Alan Keyes ain't got shit on this genius of right-wing rhetoric!

ConservativeWarrior said:
The Iraq war, illegal immigration, the economy, the climate, the war on terror....they all take a back seat to the epidemic that is FLAG BURNING.

Every day millions of American flags are burned by liberal extremists. Studies show that 90% of all purchased American flags are burned within 24 hours. This 4th of July, liberals everywhere will burn the flag and worship Satan.

This is why we need the flag burning ban which will be voted on tomorrow. I'm so glad that the republicans are concentrating on things that REALLY matter.

You see, it's not just a flag. It's a symbol. It's a symbol of AMERICA. It's a symbol of soaring eagles and patriotism and cheeseburgers and apple pie. Excuse me, I'm going to start weeping, I'm just so emotional about my country and my flag.

Of course those filthy liberals will pull their 1st amendment/free speech crap as usual. Hey listen, there's only one amendment that really matters, and that's the SECOND AMENDMENT!

why be loyal to your country? you dont choose it. it chooses you. you dont owe it anything. burn the flag if you want.
Devy_Metal said:
why be loyal to your country? you dont choose it. it chooses you. you dont owe it anything. burn the flag if you want.
Because in this country to us Americans the flagg, our flagg, is a symbol of Freedom and hope. As much as I dislike and distrust our government I will always stand behind the principles of our Constitution and if someone wants to burn a flagg, thats mine but be prepared to except the consequences.
no, it's not spoken like a true jackass. burning a flag is a freedom of expression, is it not? i dont think it's right and im not condoning it, but in the end i dont think someone should be "punished" legally for an act like burning a flag.
anytime i read a post from ConservativeWarrior, i know i'm being treated to a glimpse inside the cavernous mind of a complete tool.

if it wasnt for what the flag represents, the morons that want to burn it wouldnt have the RIGHT to burn it!
a little respect isnt too much to ask. if they want to protest, do it constructively, not DEstructively.

sure, there are more important things to focus on, but that doesnt mean you have to completely ignore the smaller issues.
I wouldn't say ignore the smaller issues...but this Congress has pulled some major boners lately...the gay marriage thing is just one of them...I personally don't give a fuck if gay people wanna make the mistake of getting married. Let's stop worrying about the dumb shit and focus our efforts to kick the shit out of terrorist countries.
you dont worry if gay people make the "mistake" of getting married. let me play the far left liberal and ask how it would be a "mistake?"

and congress is in trouble. separating the nation on wedge issues like gay marriage and flag burning show just how out of touch they are. i think the minority party will be taking control in the next elections.
Devy_Metal said:
you dont worry if gay people make the "mistake" of getting married. let me play the far left liberal and ask how it would be a "mistake?"

and congress is in trouble. separating the nation on wedge issues like gay marriage and flag burning show just how out of touch they are. i think the minority party will be taking control in the next elections.

I also think there are bigger fish to fry....but do you realize in every election where gay marriage was on the ballot, it was soundly defeated? The majority of Americans are not for it.
Do you realize how many stupid bills get passed every year? This is hardly something that is being made the top priority in Congress. Both sides of the fence pass dumb and wasteful bills each year. This is one of them. I agree that it is absolutely disrespectful but I'm not sure there is a need for a law against it. It's just common sense that if you burn an American flag in front of American's, then it's more than likely that you will get your ass kicked by some of them.
MyHatred said:
Do you realize how many stupid bills get passed every year? This is hardly something that is being made the top priority in Congress. Both sides of the fence pass dumb and wasteful bills each year. This is one of them. I agree that it is absolutely disrespectful but I'm not sure there is a need for a law against it. It's just common sense that if you burn an American flag in front of American's, then it's more than likely that you will get your ass kicked by some of them.

kudos to you and to psycho, as well, for your concise, intelligent posts. :headbang:
Psycho21477 said:
I also think there are bigger fish to fry....but do you realize in every election where gay marriage was on the ballot, it was soundly defeated? The majority of Americans are not for it.

Americans were also, at one time, fervently against women's rights, civil rights for blacks, etc etc.

They may be against gay marriage, but that doesn't mean much, given the history of the USA. Besides, I still don't see how it would be a "mistake."

and lol to that other post giving kudos to a psycho. that's funny irony!
I believe you should have the right to, but it's a retarded act and an empty gesture. You're basicall burning it in protest of the "injustices" of the American govt. but they are the reason you have that right. But the flag represents the people of America, not the govt. Sure shady shit and politicians are pigs, but it's still the best government in the world.

And I like his posts, they make me laugh.
Has anyone even see someone burn a flag. The only time I've seen it is on TV and its going on in some foriegn country.

Instead of making a law banning flag burning they should make a law requiring flag makers to make flags out of flame resistant material.