Thank you chris and a quistion for you if I may.

daniel stuart

New Metal Member
Jan 2, 2010
I just want to thank you for inspiring me to carry on guitaring.:headbang:
I reached a level were all I could play was slayer's stuff.

I tried a few months ago to learn a megadeth song and I just could not. Then I watch an interview with you talking about your guitaring life.

Then I took my time and I have nearly learnt tornado of souls. I am self taught and don't have the knowledge like you yet but I am working on it.

You are by far my favourite guitarist.
I have a Ibenaz sa series and finding it very comfortable and is the same shape as you use(which might give me your super powers:p). Find it the most comfy to play.

My solos sound like daves kerrys and jeff hannerman's. People who I have argued with say that they suck and I feel sometimes that I suck bec I sound like the old school thrash sound.:erk:

And they say I am a crappy guitarist bec I play like dave and the others. What is your opinion on it? It is a downer for me.
If I may - just because you sound like someone else doesn't necessarily mean that you suck. Case in point: Joe Stump sounds EXACTLY like Yngwie Malmsteen tonewise, but he doesn't suck by any means. People might not like their sound or their playing, but they just have very different tastes and opinions.

Even if you play like certain players, it just emphasizes that they are the players most influential to you. I'll probably get shit for this, especially since it's a Chris Broderick forum, but Mark Tremonti of Alter Bridge is my biggest influence and some of my phrases and riffs sound like he would have written them. Doesn't mean I want to copy him, just means he's that big of an influence. Take what you're working with now and run with it, man. If you've got the inspiration and the drive, no matter what you sound like or who you play like you can take it as far as you want to.
Thanks man. I love 80s thrash the big 4. I find it very fun and enjoyable to play. I am currently working on sweep picking bec now I want to play like chris broderick. He is starting to have a huge influence on me. the end game album was sweet. And his solos blew me away. And daves solos are still so awesome.
I gotta agree, thrash is a lot of fun to play, so much energy and heaviness to it. Chris is a phenomenal player and a huge influence on me as well, if you've got the inspiration to do it and you want it enough, just put in the work and you can be as good as you want. You've got the right idea man.
I have only been playing for nearly four years. Taught myself everything I know. Pitty I can't hire chris to be my teacher. Even if I could it would be to rich for my south african blood. Would love them to come play here but no body ever comes here:(

I am just proud that I can play tornado of souls. But chris is properly the best metal player out there, he is such a humble man. and man does he look good for his age. I thought he was 29 when I first saw him.

I want to start a Thrash band but in my country every one wants to be a death core band. Thrash must come back. I wonder if chris will read this? And it made me lol that he was a starcraft fan.

what is the Ideal amount of time to practise? I play most days ten hours(My guitar is my only companion:D)

I only have my music in my life. I listen to music all day(when I am not playing guitar) I am trying to make it a career. I have riffs constantly playing in my head lol. wrote some awesome riffs today.
Haha, I do the EXACT same. Always got music, always playing, always learning and thinking and daydreaming about it, I want to make it a future as well. It depends on how dedicated you are to your craft... ten hours might be a lot of time to others, but Chris used to practice instruments for 14 hours a day, same with Steve Vai. I say if you're super dedicated, 4 to 6 hours is definitely good, doing more than that is extra effort because you want it. Just make sure that ten hours doesn't cut into your social life... that happened to me a while back and it kinda sucked later on.
Don't really have a social life.:cry:
I was playing in the beginning for 15 hours. I am learning how to alternate pick like dave. Starting guitaring at 17 I am 21 one now. Actually listening to end game now:Smokedev:
The sacrifice of a social life for the guitar... to get good, it's what you gotta do. Think about it this way though - if you actually do get successful and play the big stages, that lack of social life paid off cause people will be watching you and wanting YOUR autographs on stage, just like you wanted when you saw those Megadeth and Slayer concerts.

That's some hardcore dedication, man. I give you monster props for 15 hours a day. Tear that shit apart, practice your alternate picking with a metronome to get it as fast and as clean as possible, and don't give up on the dream!
You gotta make so it's a want every day. Sometimes I'll practice for hours, other days I'll be lucky if I get in an hour of practice. It's just how I feel on a given day. As easy as it is to force yourself to practice, it can become counterproductive on a lot of levels.
Hey guys
Nice posts. There is no doubt that if you enjoy what you do you will improve at it. I don't get in 14 hours of practice that often any more (around 6)but when I pick up my guitar it's hard to put it down.
Hey guys
Nice posts. There is no doubt that if you enjoy what you do you will improve at it. I don't get in 14 hours of practice that often any more (around 6)but when I pick up my guitar it's hard to put it down.

Thanks chris for taking the time and I have to agree with you about not being able to put it down. Best feeling in the world.:Spin: Chris what is your opinion on kerry kings playing? When I just doodle on my guitar it always sounds like something he would write. Yeah I am cutting down though with playing for so long. Talked to my old guitarist of a band I was in and he reckons it is not necessary to play for so long.

P.S when I saw you play on the concert in 2008 my jaw just dropped.:cool: Awesome dvd that was.:D
Chris, I know exactly how you feel. I've got mine in hand right now, and when you've got that tone and the feeling and you're just playing and letting it all go, you really don't wanna put it down. Even if it's exercises or something, you get in that mode where it's just "I love playing this thing" You actually inspired me to broaden my horizons from more than just metal playing to other styles (the classical guitar videos and the jazz-slap demo are the best examples). It's refreshing to listen to unique stuff that I wouldn't have listened to before, and I'm glad I found you and your playing. Thanks for the inspiration man.

Keep it real, Benson.