Thank you from ShadowKeep!




It was a great day and a great experience:
we were so happy with the response on the day that this show will no doubt stay in our heart for a long time as the "best british crowd we've played for".

Big cheers to Vince and Andy for gathering such a fine audience.
The ShadowTeam

PS: please give a big hug to the sound guy for us - he really worked his ass out to sort out the mix in less time than it takes me to write this!!!

Thank YOU for a great gig! What a way to start the day THAT was. You guys sound fantastic. Would love to hear some more from you guys.

Wonderful to see Prog Metal In Britran, from Britan. It must be tough opening a big Festival like that but you all did a great job. I'll be along next time your playing.
It was nice to have met you all aswell, a really sound bunch. I'll be looking out for your Bassist at the Gods of Metal in two Weeks - Andy