Thank you Marcus! :D ( ATH-M50 content )


Alas, Tyranny
Nov 15, 2006
Athens, GA
On your recommendation alone, I recommended my brother buy a pair of ATH-M50s for his listening needs. He said he had about $100 to spend and wanted a pair of my 280s. I corrected him, and he ordered his headphones.

Last week, he brought them over to my place to hear how they sound compared to the 280s. The M50s STOMPED the 280s in every respect, as far as sounding good and sounding accurate are concerned. The M50s have way more and tighter bass, a smoother midrange, and a more pleasing treble. Its almost as drastic of a difference as going from laptop speakers to a decent pair of monitors. Almost...

Anyway, I ordered a pair the other day, and just got the tracking number. I got a killer deal, here's the eBay link:

Can't wait to finally hear the bass in my recordings :D
Yeah, I am really surprised at how great they sound! Even my totally non-audiophilic friends could hear an immediate and profound difference, they all preferred the M50s to the 280s...

The 280s are much better for tracking, though, they have a lot better isolation, and the lack of bass/cutting midrange helps that even more I think. Either way, it's nice to have both.
I have a pair of those and find them to sound too nice and smooth. I'm used to merciless mid response from my yamaha monitors, so the smoother mids and treble make me do too piercing eq job with them. Besides that they start to feel uncomfortable on my head after long use. Nice phones for gaming, movies and other entertainment use anyway, worth the money
I have a pair of those and find them to sound too nice and smooth.

Totally. Same issue I had with my ASP8s. Pairing them with the M50s, you get a really weird picture. Though ideally you don't really want to be using your cans for any heavy duty frequency balancing work.

I use mine for... games, and late night feedback for guitar tones and mixes when you pricks get me on MSN at 3am :lol:
i picked those up too about a year ago after several people here recommend them and i LOVE them. def feel like for the price, i got way more than my money's worth.

its probably just me, but there are times when i'm using them and i can swear that i feel bass vibrating in my feet or diff parts of my body, like i had a subwoofer going... its the weirdest thing. either these things are so good its tricking my body or i have serious issues. could easily be both :p