Thanks from Biomechanical

Nov 15, 2004
Hey guys,

I know... a week late but that was intense,

Just recovered from having to be thrown back to the UK stuff (writing work and shit)

A huge thanks to the organisers for flying the band to the US

John Coyne and Alina you guys are such hard workers it's insane!!
Chris, awesome job man, both for the fest and the band!!

Also thanks to the guys behind the stage and desk for all their help,

Super impressed by Gracepoint (for me: The bassist was extra terrestrial :headbang: )
Ancient Steel kicked some true metal ass and Nocturnal Rites gave a super polished performance.
Also would like to mention how awesome all the rest of the bands were. John and Chris did a great job putting this together!!

Last but not least would like to thank the fans that travelled from all over the place to see us, it was incredible for us to see this happening.

Was an awesome gig for us and I'm sure next year it will be the same if not bigger and better!!!
Hello! I am sorry I missed your performance.
I really dig the album. Unfortunately, I was only able to attend on Saturday.
Hopefully you guys will be able to come back to the US soon
Hey thanks for posting, that's awesome! I could only attend on Saturday, so I missed your set as well, but I hear that you stole the night! Congrats!! I look forward to the next opportunity we get to see you!!
I am quite proud to say that I DID NOT miss your performance. I've been looking forward to it ever since you were announced and was hoping for an appearance someday, somewhere, and somehow in the US after I purchased, "Eight Moons". I love your pipes John K! Combined with the atmospherics and Pantera groove, I think you have a unique sound. Keep up the hard work!

I hope the folks who missed you or weren't familiar with your music before Chicago will give it a listen on disc. I needed a few listens to digest all the complexities and changes, but was absolutely sold after a few spins. Usually, your style of music is a bit too aggressive for me, but I'm a big fan of the melodic high frontmen and the way you combine both styles effortlessly (and crisply) is something I really enjoy.

p.s. I also LOVE the work you did with Balance of Power on, "Heathen Machine". Incredible melody and range. You can do it all! (And Phil Anselmo couldn't which is why I never was a big Pantera fan, even though Dimebag's trademark riffing was out of this world).
I am also proud to say I did not miss your set. As it was un-fucking-believeable!!! Everything I expected and more. Thank you guys for coming so close to Detroit, as if it was farther, I may not have been able to make it (outside of a ProgPower attendance). The only thing I missed was hanging out with you guys on Saturday night at the hotel party, as the doors to the hotel were locked and we couldn't get in. Oh well, there's always next time.

Great job guys and come back anytime!!
Hey guys,

Thanks for the words!!
Sorry some of you missed the gig, will do our best to come back,
not only we had an awesome time but all of the people we met were so nice, it was a real pleasure being there.

Fiddler, It was great working with Balance of Power. Stepped in a place of a great singer and I was pleased their fans did like the work.

And Regor this sucks man, real shame you couldn't get in. If any consolation, the party was dispersed quite early when the owners did call bloody Robocop:) . we were quite a noisy bunch :heh:
John, you know I will do anything for you guys - I think I proved that for most of the bands this weekend. Now, just get your butts back over here and I'll tour manage you! HA! Thanks for helping keep me sane. Wait until you read my review of the weekend especially of you guys (BREAKFAST! Just keep swimming!!!)... hahaha That and my photos should be up on Sunday. Hell, maybe even tomorrow! I have all the photos uploaded, just have to write the review. :D You still want the photos, right?
Squeak said:
John, you know I will do anything for you guys - I think I proved that for most of the bands this weekend. Now, just get your butts back over here and I'll tour manage you! HA! Thanks for helping keep me sane. Wait until you read my review of the weekend especially of you guys (BREAKFAST! Just keep swimming!!!)... hahaha That and my photos should be up on Sunday. Hell, maybe even tomorrow! I have all the photos uploaded, just have to write the review. :D You still want the photos, right?

Man, you worked extra hard girl, thanks so much with all your help on merch and driving us around,

Kept you sane? But I am not sane my self so I have no idea how that happened :)

We sure wanna come back for a tour,

See how things pan out,
I'll PM you for the pickies :kickass:
eaeolian said:
Ah, no need. I am quite the fan - I did not miss them willingly. Now I just need to get to Britain... :lol:

Ditto. I was extremely disappointed that I had miss the whole first day, particularly this set. I was so excited when the announcement was made! Next time around, I'll make it a point to see the set!
Interesting tidbit from BWBK:

"Currently rehearsing for what is set to be an incendiary tour supporting label mates DECAPITATED, the UK's own BIOMECHANICAL have confirmed that bass duties will be handled on the tour by BOWLRIDER four stringer and BW&BK scribe Dom Lawson. Lawson will be standing in for Jon Collins for the nine-date UK tour, although the band are keen to stress that this is only a short term fix and Jon will be back on bass when the band take the stage for that most devilish of nights supporting AKERCOCKE on the 6th of the 6th ‘06 at Bournemouth Opera House."