Thanks to Evergrey!


The Independent Spirt
Dec 3, 2003
Oregon, USA
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I truly thought I would never love a band the way I loved Iron maiden or Rush. But the day has finall come. thank you Lance! You are the one who turned me onto Evergrey. Music as we know it still breathes. I never bought into DreamTheater and the many bands that are similar. There has to be somthing special about a band for me to grab onto them. I almost gave up on there ever being a band I would ever become engrossed in again. Evergrey now are a part of my Top Five favorites. Iron Maiden, RUSH, Michael Hedges ( an other worldly yet dead unfortunatley, new age acoustic player. Check out Oracle and Arial boundries to start.) Kings'X ( super underated, Ty Tabor is a major influential player. check out Gretchen goes to Nebraska.) And now Evergrey. Ther is just somthing different about them that puts them above dream Theater and other recent prog/power metal bands that some might clump them with. These albums are classics in the truest calssification. Not over the top just to say. Oh LOOK at Me WEEEEEEEEEEEEE! These are incredible songs. Crafted in the way of the greats.THANKS( SORRY For The Length!)