

May 5, 2003
thank you anathema for the great gig yesterday
thank you for the the 2 new songs (sounds fantastic)
thank you for playing hope
thank you girl for sigging it along whit me

thank you holland for costing it a 100 euro
thank you holland for your lausy beer (it sucks)
thank you for your lausy pitta (it sucks)

thank you people for a great night

thank you for the music

Same here. I (we) had a great time yesterday.
A pity that we couldn't stay longer, but I was dead tired and in a lot of pain..., but it was worth it. It was the last gig I can/could go to in quite a while.
(baby's health comes first)

We finally met Lotte and saw some others again (hope you got home allright -stupid red lights...or stupid GPS).

A funny moment to remember.... singing to Hope with Lotte and Vera's hands on my belly :p

The new songs sounded great (finished or not).Looking forward to the new album!
...stupid GPS ? what's wrong with an old fashioned MAP ?

anyway ... great gig ... thanks anathema , thanks danny, thanks all you nice people
about the 2 new songs : the first one was really surprising (sounded good though) the second one was quite fantastic

oh, and thanks for playing metallica
man ! i'm not good at that !
i just can't remember all the songs afterwards (alzheimer disease i guess)

i 'm sure about some songs though:
fragile dreams , judgement,one last goodbye ,angelica , hope , a dying wish,panic , AFDTE ,temporary peace ,i think pressure , 2new songs ... and then there's a blank

someone else that can complete this list ???
Bastet said:
man ! i'm not good at that !
i just can't remember all the songs afterwards (alzheimer disease i guess)

i 'm sure about some songs though:
fragile dreams , judgement,one last goodbye ,angelica , hope , a dying wish,panic , AFDTE ,temporary peace ,i think pressure , 2new songs ... and then there's a blank

someone else that can complete this list ???

Metallica's Orion, new cover by Pink Floyd: Empty Spaces; what a brilliant version of a brilliant song!!!!, the titles of the new song were "Flying" and
I have a sort of a blank too myself
, but Vera got the setlist, so when she will be on I hope she can tell about wich numbers they played...

It was a really great evening, i had a great time!!!!!
thanks to all of you, and expeccially to Anathema!!!:wave:

Btw, the beer didn't suck!!!
LostLenore said:
I looked at the setlist on the way home.

Pitiless, forgotten hopes, destiny is dead and Inner Silence are missing, I guess. But Vera has the list...

Hello to you all, here I am at last after another metal event

Yesterday's gig was great and this is what the official list says :
Fragile dreams (before there was a spacey intro!), Release, Pitiless, Forgotten hopes, Destiny is dead, Pressure, Judgement, Panic, A fine day to exit, Temporary peace, Angelica, A dying wish, Inner silence,One last goodbye, Empty spaces, Closer, Flying.

As sure as I'm still sitting here 'Hope' was played too
'euphoria in singing along greetzzzzzz Lotte and Sandra and all friends
mmmmmm :( we didnt get tallica and harper :cry:
but we got maiden though :) haha guess who screamed for it? :D 'Ive been looking so long for you now you wont get away from my graaaaaasp...' :):):)

and the last song was 2000 & Gone
o_O o_O
I fucking regret now that I went to see Anathema on sunday!!!!!!!! :(:(:(:(
Man I've never been so disappointed before!!! Check my signature, there's clearly this thingie about Orion :cry:
Damn.... :mad:

(I know this post sucks, I need to express it anyway! :()