that cool pendant ted wears

Agazael Volsung

Jan 1, 2004
can anyone tell me what that cool pendant that ted lundstrom is always wearing, theres pics of it in amon amarths albums..a lot of em in the crusher..and can anyone tell me where i can buy one?
it's the hammer of thor - mjölnir


but there are many different hammers...

there are some ->
Belgar said:
It is called a Thor's hammer. I think Walmart sells them ... or is it the Shell gas station. :D
Thor? whats a Thor and where can i get one?

i read this thread this morning before it had any replies and i was gonna be first to be the smart ass but i had to go. i spose your post will do.
well i figured it was mjollnir but i didnt wanna assume and possibly look stupid and thanks i guess...for being a bunch of cunts