that Praises to the war machine sound...


Oct 30, 2008
first of all i'd like to say that this is one of the greatest albums ever recorded in any aspect, and if you haven't listened to it yet now would be a good time to start...

besides that it that albums presents a very delicate balance between modern metal sound and a very live and warm sound somehow...
now my question is about the bass/BD on the album.

does anyone know how did they achive that sound? i mean when i hear it in full volume i can feel every beat yet it does not hurt my ears or get lost in the mix like most modern music does...

so if anyone knows what they did on that album in terms of what gear, plug-ins, EQ or anything that made that sound possible, i'd love to hear.
The "live" feel is something that Peter Wichers is famous for. His work with Soilwork and on this Warrel Dane disk are testaments to that.

You may want to contact Peter or even head over to the Nevermore forum here on UM and ask Warrel. He posts there quite frequently.

I don't believe Peter used any "Samples" on this other then samples from the kit they actually used mixed with quite a few "room" mics. I don't believe there were any other samples blended in. Guitars were most likely Caparisons with EMG's and probably ENGL Powerball or Fireball amps. Bass is probably a DI run through Pod Farm or a Sansamp.