That programme featuring cunt from Motely Crue and Newstead


Apr 11, 2006
I've forgotten the name of it, but saw if for the first time last night.

What a load of fucking shit/cunts.

What a bunch of posers. People in the crowd - all posers and hanger-ons.

Is this what is becoming of metal in the states? Lets hope not. It was no worse than watching a load of boy-band shit, with so much fakeness, plastic surgery and bullshit image.
The problem isn't limited to metal, Davros... it's a reflection of the whole state of the music industry. That's exactly why I hate "American Idol" - because it showcases the pre-packaged crap that is being forced down listeners' throats. The sad thing is that they seem to eat it up and want more.

I've said it here before, and I'll say it again - the industry is so messed up now that, if they were looking to get discovered today, artists like Frank Zappa, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, and the like would never even be given the lowest-grade contract from the labels, because the suits would not be able to see how such bands would sell 10 million copies on their first outing. I long for the days when labels were willing to take a chance with an artist and, instead of tossing them out like yesterday's fashion, allow them to grow in their craft.
dailyvault said:
The problem isn't limited to metal, Davros... it's a reflection of the whole state of the music industry. That's exactly why I hate "American Idol" - because it showcases the pre-packaged crap that is being forced down listeners' throats. The sad thing is that they seem to eat it up and want more.

I've said it here before, and I'll say it again - the industry is so messed up now that, if they were looking to get discovered today, artists like Frank Zappa, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, and the like would never even be given the lowest-grade contract from the labels, because the suits would not be able to see how such bands would sell 10 million copies on their first outing. I long for the days when labels were willing to take a chance with an artist and, instead of tossing them out like yesterday's fashion, allow them to grow in their craft.

'Nuff said.
Dave Navarro sucks balls and keeps forgetting that it's not about him. He's si desperate to be on TV that he hogs the camera relentlessly and has a dumb comment for everything.

Tommy Lee sucks and forgets that the other two guys have been in bigger bands than his while he acts like a diva queen. I hate it when one member of a band establishes domination over the other members because such arrangements only cause problems.

Brooke Burke is over-rated and annoying as hell. When her 15 minutes as a b-list celeb run out, I look forward to her doing porn.

I don't have anything bad to say about Clarke or Newsted.

ALL the contestants suck. If I see one more say "I'm a ROCKER!! WHOO!!!" I am gonna go to LA for the explicit purpose of heckling them, throwing shit, and saying "no you're not dumb bitch/bastard."
dailyvault said:
... the industry is so messed up now that, if they were looking to get discovered today, artists like Frank Zappa, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, and the like would never even be given the lowest-grade contract from the labels, because the suits would not be able to see how such bands would sell 10 million copies on their first outing. I long for the days when labels were willing to take a chance with an artist and, instead of tossing them out like yesterday's fashion, allow them to grow in their craft.
This is very true... as sad as it is.
dailyvault said:
The problem isn't limited to metal, Davros... it's a reflection of the whole state of the music industry. That's exactly why I hate "American Idol" - because it showcases the pre-packaged crap that is being forced down listeners' throats. The sad thing is that they seem to eat it up and want more.

I've said it here before, and I'll say it again - the industry is so messed up now that, if they were looking to get discovered today, artists like Frank Zappa, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, and the like would never even be given the lowest-grade contract from the labels, because the suits would not be able to see how such bands would sell 10 million copies on their first outing. I long for the days when labels were willing to take a chance with an artist and, instead of tossing them out like yesterday's fashion, allow them to grow in their craft.
This is probably the best post I've ever read here! :worship:
3Storms said:
ALL the contestants suck. If I see one more say "I'm a ROCKER!! WHOO!!!" I am gonna go to LA for the explicit purpose of heckling them, throwing shit, and saying "no you're not dumb bitch/bastard."

I actually have tickets to the New Year's Eve show. Fortunately, I didn't pay for them (perks of my job) so don't worry, I'll make sure the heckling and throwing will be sufficient! :headbang:
How about Mr. Wu's posts?

mr wu's posts nah, how bout this one that started off the thread

What a load of fucking shit/cunts.

that may have to be my new answer to everything in life.

Q: how are you today sir ?
A: what a load of fucking shit cunts !
I'm hooked on the show and none of these singers have brought it to the Supernova guys how I would like them too. I know they can't go out and Hammer out old 80s crue and RATT songs but damn kick it up a notch. After listening to them sing fucking Nirvana songs and other shit 90s stuff I want to :puke: but I still :kickass: and watch.
I think the show is great. I've been a hardcore metal guy for years, but I also have a lot of other tastes, and if you can''t appreciate that these guys on the show are giving it all then take your soapbox somewhere else. Last nights show was great, the ORIGINAL songs by the Australian dude Toby and the girl Storm were fucking great. Every one of the singers on that show is a hundred times better than anyone I've seen on American "SHIT" Idol.

As far as ripping on Dave----puh-lease. Yeah he's overexposed, but the dude is an amazing guitar player. Go rifle down a few brews and turn on "Three Days" from Ritual de lo Habitual really LOUD and tell me otherwise. The difference is, he's getting rich and screwing a LOT of good looking women just by being Dave and you idiots can't hack it. Cheers to Dave!

Tommy's wigga act does suck, but the is and has always been an animal on the drums. Nuff said.

Metallica is still suffering from the loss of Newsted. Go watch the band live now and you'll know what I mean.

Gilby is probably the least famous guy here, but he's actually a good song-writer and guitar player. He did a few solo records after the Guns and Roses meltdown that had a lot of good tunes on them.

Anyway, free your mind and your ass will follow. It's a good show---give it a chance.