That's It, I'm moving to Canada


Christ's image in drywall fortifies church-goers

The Associated Press
SARALAND, ALA. (Mar 22, 2006)

Members of a church flooded by Hurricane Katrina say some drywall has buckled into an image that reminds them of Christ on the cross. Some church members put their hands on the image while praying.

"It's like God is trying to show people he's real," said Marlette Holt, a minister at the Triumph Learning and Worship Center for Life. "I feel he's trying to open even the simplest minds."
I don't know about other non-Americans, but until a few years ago I totally didn't realise how religious much of America is. I think it's since Bush has been in power that it's become more apparent to me.

It's crazy, fucking NOBODY is really religious in this country.
^ I'll tell you... people outside of Montreal can barely speak english.
thats a fact.
People who live in montreal, most of them work in jobs that requier both languages.... so a lot of them HAVE to know both languages.
outside of the city though.. you'd be lucky to hear english.
Dead_Lioness said:
^ I'll tell you... people outside of Montreal can barely speak english.
thats a fact.
People who live in montreal, most of them work in jobs that requier both languages.... so a lot of them HAVE to know both languages.
outside of the city though.. you'd be lucky to hear english.
it all depends on the education level. Everyone who's studying at a University needs to be pretty good in English, and it's common sense that if you want to have a pretty good career, you need to speak both language. People tend to generalize too much outside of Montreal, which explains the sort of war of Montreal vs rest of the province. Here in Quebec city, almost everyone knows English pretty well, but when you're going in regions like the one I came from, nobody really speaks English. But yeah, point is, if you get in Montreal, I doubt language will be a problem, since half the population only speaks English there, and the other half knows how to speak both. (Another fact is that most anglophones don't care enough to learn French while we're all forced to learn English, gay huh?)

edit: Karen, yes, he would be lucky to hear English outside Mtl, but it's not because we don't know the language ;)
chinese would have been more useful than German, but you should do fine in Mtl with all the languages you know.