Thats IT!!!!


Apr 14, 2001
I have stood by through the christinas, the brittanys and the mandys, but THATS IT!!!!!!!
Like in the Rambo movies, they have pushed me too far and I have now snapped.
A "band" called destinys child, a band who proclaim that they are "independant women" when they had guys write all their songs and produce their albums. But thats fine, it takes a lot more than that rot to rattle spawny....then along came the song. That DAMN song.


Now, I have NOTHING against women who want to look sexy at all, in fact, (whispered) I may even like it :) But there HAS to be substance behind the facade, LORD there has to be!

Its not enough that they dress in ridiculously tight clothing in an effort to disguise the fact that they dont actually have any control over "their" music, and that their albums are all pro-tooled up their arse to keep them in key etc.

But then, BUT THEN, they come out with this STUPID song, that women everywhere must just CRINGE when they hear it (considering *I* was embarrased for them when I heard it), and they expect me to just sit by and take it??? It is a stupid attempt at trying to be "sassy and sexy". Someone (and IM the man to do it!) needs to tell them that they wouldnt know sexy if a big book that said "how to be sexy" fell out of the sky and smacked them on their big, dumb, over makeupped heads.

This song is the reason why men treat women like sex objects, THIS SONG is why women cant/wont/have a hard time being taken as seriously as men in the music industry, especially when they wont dress in around 6cm square of clothing. THIS SONG is the downfall of the human race!

You know, on the rambo 3 movie poster it said "God has mercy....Rambo doesnt" If i ever get put in a room alone with those 3, they will learn that spawny makes rambo look like the tooth fairy. I am their worst nightmare, and other such rambo cliches.

Rant mode off, normal transmission shall now resume. I had to get that off my chest......Sorry about that :)
This was all a bit much wasnt it? I should just get over it I know. They are sitting on their skinny arses with millions of dollars and idiots surrounding them who ctaer to their every whim, so its pointless even whinging about it, I know, but i just had to say something.....

Sometimes I think all women are all mad when I see crap like that video clip, even though I know its not the case, but if aliens came here from outer space (well where else would they come from I suppose....anyway) and saw that video clip, they would think women were dopey playthings to be used and abused by the men, who in comparison look like lord and masters of the earth. Crap like that clip give us ALL a bad name...........

Ok rant mode is REALLY off this time :) I think I went a little overboard :eek:
I just reread that crap, please read it with a sense of humour :)

Its a little to "pro women" as well, I sound like a bloody feminist! If only we could get into the industry by flashing our thighs and breasts, who needs talent?? this doesnt go for all women of course, the ones it does pertain to......THEY know who they are!

Uh oh I feel a rant coming on.......I need to take 2 and call you all in the morning.
:lol: That wasnt the response I was after Bucko :lol:

The song is.......booty-bloody-licious and they are a 3 woman group from the US who dont play any instruments or write any songs, they do fit into size 4 clothing though :rolleyes:
God I crap on too much, could you imagine having to be around me for more than 5 minutes? Im around myself for longer and I hate it :mad:

Well, to be honest, it was intended to be a little funny :loco:
But that doesnt mean the point is any less valid (theres probably a point to that rant....maybe that I should stop ranting) ;)
Don't get me wrong - because I hate everything - but I was almost 100% certain Destinys Child do write their own songs. :eek:


My Love Don't Cost A Thing... yet they drive around in nice shiny sports cars and the like in the video clip :lol:
My Love Don't Cost A Thing should equate to, if you were a bum and had no money, I would still want to hang around you because I am your friend and I love you. :lol: :lol: :p

There are two main reasons why I really, really dislike her.

Where I work, the radio is contantly tuned into a station that chooses to play that song and Lets Get Loud at least twice daily. After a while, you simply can't take no more :mad: :mad:
The other reason is, I believe she is famous becuase she is famous. Meaning, she is only popular as a recording artist because of her movie status, and only popular as an actress because of her.. 'music'. :heh:

Thank you for my bitch. I feel much better. :D
Onya Spawn! I have no objection to watching videos by Destiny's Child, Christina, Britney and of course Mandy, but that's just because I'm a sad git ;).

What really burns me up is the messages that these talentless nymphettes are sending out to their target audience by telling them that the world can be yours and men will fall at your feet if you flash a bit of leg, apply make-up with a garden trowel and starve yourself so you can fit into clothes that are too small for you. :mad:

The market is saturated with this shite, which means that female performers who have both substance and genuine talent (eg Tori Amos, Alanis Morissette, Nikka Costa, our own Ms Moran and the best girl group of them all- The Donnas) don't get the exposure they deserve.

On a related subject, what the hell is the story with Bridget Jones' Diary?? After fighting for equality for the last thirty-odd years, women are now supposed to identify with a character who thinks she's useless just because she isn't married and doesn't have a "perfect" figure? Gimme a break! Between Ms Jones and Ally McBeal, I'm starting to wonder what century we're living in...

Rant mode *OFF*

Onya wrathy!! Thats exactly what I mean, the female performers who DONT dress up like idiots and parade their bodies like strippers get ignored! So while women have an easier track into the music industry if they do that, the ones who have integrity and refuse to do it miss out. The world sucks.

Sydo: Im with you Sydo, I hate everything....well except for Iced Earth and other assorted bands, but if it has to do with PEOPLE, I hate it, usually. There are some nice people out there, but they seem to all be using this bulletin board, its almost bizarre. :)
I dont know for sure...maybe DC do write their own stuff, BUT, if its them, plus todays "hot" producer, then their input would have been relegated to saying, "oh can I put an oooooh baby in this part?" and thats it :)
And that jennifer bloody lopez....she would have to be one of the most materialistic women in the world and she is trying to tell us "my love dont cost a thing"? At least madonna was woman enough to admit it :)
I dont like "j-lo". At all. Not one bit. Wouldnt piss on her if she was on fire. She cant even dress properly, remember those curtains she wore to the grammys? What the hell was with that??? Ahh it feels good to rant for a while, I can tell you. I feel much more relaxed ;)

Is everyone on the board who hasnt replied laughing at us or with us?
I they are laughing at us, I hate 'em too. ;)

I don't hate Iced Earth. I think I'm begining to 'like' them :eek:

I use way too many of those smiley things

I used more. ;)
Originally posted by spawn

Is everyone on the board who hasnt replied laughing at us or with us?

:lol: (make up your own mind (I love playing with peoples minds. Warm and squishy). But now I've replied and it doesn't count. DAMMIT)

if it has to do with PEOPLE, I hate it, usually

Hear, hear. A person can be nice. People suck.

I like how this thread has gone from hating girl bands to people in general. Nice progression.

And while we're on the subject of girl bands: I was channel flicking through the video shows on Saturday, and it struck me that all the girl band songs sounded the same! You could take someones song, get someone else to sing it, and it would be indistinguishable. It would fit straight onto an album as though it had been there forever. I must be getting old. That's what my parents said about my music years ago.
Originally posted by Sydo
I they are laughing at us, I hate 'em too. ;)

I don't hate Iced Earth. I think I'm begining to 'like' them :eek:

I used more. ;)

Well better to be laughed at than to be a loser that still lives at home with no girlfriend, no prospects and way too many 80s metal cds.....oh waitasec, I could be in trouble here.....oh no, ive got more 90s metal cds than I do 80s. Phew.

Beginning to like them? BEGINNING? Go and stick your head in a cold bath to wake yourself up you poor bastard :)

Re the smileys: You smartarse :lol:
Originally posted by spawn
Well better to be laughed at than to be a loser that still lives at home with no girlfriend, no prospects and way too many 80s metal cds.....oh waitasec, I could be in trouble here......

You're treading on very thin ice here. ;)

Originally posted by spawn
Beginning to like them? BEGINNING? Go and stick your head in a cold bath to wake yourself up you poor bastard :)

Like I said eariler, I hate everything. therfore, beginning not to hate something is good.
Beginning to like something is great.
Brewing your own beer for under 30cents a stubbie is fantastic!
Originally posted by spawn

Well better to be laughed at than to be a loser that still lives at home with no girlfriend, no prospects and way too many 80s metal cds.....oh waitasec, I could be in trouble here.....oh no, ive got more 90s metal cds than I do 80s. Phew.

Hahahaha... You you just described me, except I even have way more 80s metal CDs than 90s ones! :D

Oh and you can add no job into there as well :)
(I do go to uni though, so I'm not completely a bum... but it is an arts course so I'm close enough hahahaha)
Arts courses rule! I did art all through high school, except, because I read comics (Oh god, another strike to the how to be a loser list :lol: ) I always got into trouble for drawing batman and spider man etc. and not what they told me to draw, thus I got full marks for technical ability, but nothing for theory, so I always passed. Just. True story!
The world needs artists troops, after all, without them, who would do all the cool album covers?? :D
Exactly, plus you arty types get all the women because you are seen as sensitive and caring, it didnt work for me, but I was drawing spiderman and co, and women dont seem to find 23 yo guys who still read comic books very appealing, I cant think why? (Then again, the comic book guy on the simpsons might explain that.......:D )
So, in summary, Tanya is obviously just trying to hide her feelings for you behind a facade of apathy and joke making :p