The 5 best bass players


The Post Master
Jul 3, 2003
Manchester, England, UK
Here is my pick for the 5 best bass players of all time:
1) Steve Harris
2) Markus Grosskopf
3) Geezer Butler
4) John Paul Jones
5) Cliff Burton

What do you think to my choices?
comment and make your own list if you want.
1.) Steve Harris(Bar None The Best)
2.) Nikki Sixx(Style)
3.) Lemmy(Attitude)
4.) DD Verni(Killer combo of my #2-#3 picks)
5.) Michael Anthony(most people rule him out as a sloppy player, he's really tight & better than you might think)

People that didn't make the list, Cliff Burton, since he only recorded a handful of records, I can't predict that he would have done anything groundbreaking had he lived. Geddy Lee, he's great. I'm just not a huge Rush fan. Billy Sheehan, this guy has some chops, but he's kind of painted himself into a corner that he can't get out of...
John Paul Johns-He's "Good."
-Steve Harris
-Steve DiGirogio
-Les Claypool
-Sean Malone
-Ryan Martinie

and I don't know why everyone likes Cliff Burton so much, he has that one bass solo (it sounds so good because its so distorted) but other then that I don't really hear anything good....
Matt Freeman. You probably haven't heard a lot of this guy, as he is bassist in the punkband Rancid, but trust me - this guy is a wizard when it comes to playing the bass.
metal--ish bassists

Geddy !! (technicality)
Geezer (riff-master much like bandmate)
Peter Baltes - Totally indesposable hero for accept's hard hitting style.
Steve Harris - style as well. Practically invented the "gallop."
Whatever the bass player's name is for The Rat Race (not choir.)
i have seen million dollar bands, and this smaller market band's bassist easily had the best sounding live rig I have ever heard.

Steve Harris (duh, it's Arry!)
John Paul Jones (he kicks super super ass!!!!)
Roger Glover (hell yeah!)
Geezer Butler (he does some cool stuff, his stuff on ozzy's solo cds was great!)
John Deacon (awesome player, often overlooked)
Michael Anthony ( I dont listen to VH much but he kicks super ass)
Mike Inez (he kicks super ass as well :D )
Robert Trujillo (he's much too good to be stuck in Metallica)

les claypool, cannibal corpse bassist, rex from pantera, cliff burton, geezer from sabbath, the dude in mudvayne, frank bello from anthrax, david ellefson from megadeth, theres more im not thinkin of, but im no guitar player or antyhing like, those are just the bassists i like the most when i hear them, oh yeah i saw someone post flea, he is unbridled ownage as well.