The 90's thread


Feb 15, 2010
Montreal, QC
In my humble opinion the 90's where the last decade with good and authentic music. No matter what genre!

I was thinking it would be cool to create a thread that would take us all on a nostalgia trip back to the good old times.

Lets start this voyage!

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I wasn't even 13 when the 90's ended and due to the fact that I started listening to Metallica and Hypocrisy
with 7 years I really dislike all these songs above :D I know what you mean, but I still don't like them...

But imho due to the fact that it was harder to edit stuff, harder to create good electronic music and so on
it was harder to record stuff and make it sound good, due to that it was more expensive most of the time
so why spend money on bullshit ;)
There are just too many shitty musicians, producers and so on who think they're great and want to release
stuff and got the opportunity-due to that lots of great stuff is getting released, but even more shit and there
are enough people who are into this shit.

The music that influenced me the most in the 90's was the following stuff:

and probably one of the best songs that was ever written:

but even the shitty pop stuff was quite cool or at least funny, like Aqua's "Barbie Girl" :D now you
all know my weakness...Eurodance!

Edit: there's actually lots of music from that time I couldn't appreciate back than but like nowadays

(I know, the origianl version from Chris Issack is from 1989 but I prefer this version)

(couldn't find the actual video)

and macarena was released in the 90's...
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Living in Sweden i mostly associate the 90's with eurodance. :lol:

Edit: Oh, and its not that i think that the music is good.. but i fucking love listening to this shit now days, massive flashbacks. :)
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Ahh, the 90s my favourite time. It was the glorious death metal release decade!
From Autopsy to Suffocation. Great Death Metal albums everywhere, haha!
So bad, that I was born 1992, so I missed all the good stuff's realease ~~
Anyways, best time for metal.
You understood the essence of this thread SeffTD, Its alright if you don't like them songs, but its all about remembering some music people have forgotten for example thanks for remembering me the song ''Nothing compares'' ...brings me all kinds of chills.
Also since this is in the bar section and this thread if about the 90s , feel free to talk about what the fuck you want about this decade....N64, WWF attitude era, how you grew up as a teenager etc...If the 90s is your generation tell us your story man!
Yeah, it's the decade that defines my musical taste too. I think it hit a point of normality where production got quite listenable and 'modern', but we still weren't at that point where we over-edited everything into sterility.


One thing I'm really disappointed about is that metal never fused with electro in order for industrial to become the new 'thing'. I feel we hit a pretty significant point of musical regression in the 00s - at least as far as popular music is concerned.

This song...


This kind of electro should've fused with metal to become the greatest genre the planet's ever seen.
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Oh, the N64 and Prodigy times...I was never allowed to get me a console, but a good friend of mine
had a N64, a fridge in his room and everything from Prodigy, so while we were 12 (1999) we were
listening to Prodigy, playing Extreme-G and drinking Cola out of his fridge for 12-14 hours without
a break during summer holidays. His mother made us pizza all the time and at night, we just turned
the volume down so his parents didn't wake up, played even more and went on the balcony and smoked
cigarettes that we stole from a gas station.
You may see a little trend there-a year later I listened either to extreme metal or more fucked up stuff
and started smoking loads of weed, but that was in 2000 and doesn't matter here :D

And every girl between 15-25 had a piercing in their belly button or their nose during the 90ies...
Still strange that I was 12 when the 90ies ended...that was pre-internet for me, so I didn't know all the
naughty things you can find easily now and had to look somewhere else when faptime arrived-at the same
time, I actually saw my first porn in the 90ies and actually walked through an outdoor porn shooting in the
90ies in Denmark :D

And just don't get me started on Captain Jack or even worse, Scooter and DJ Bobo...
the 90s: all of a sudden clubs started letting you in with jeans on,pubs started opening all day (which totally ruined pub culture!!) and the weed got stronger..

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The 90´s it´s my favourite time about everything, not just music, even the porno was awesome! ahaha The 90´s was so great that makes me sad to know that those times wont come back ever. Btw the electronic stuff in that time was really awesome even the pop music and not this shit that we have nowadays.
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And many, many more...
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Ahhhh the '90s! I was 8-18 and I recall being around 12 years old and waking up and putting MTV on every morning before school. Those were the days when I automatically went straight to MTV. Now, I don't hesitate to skip right past that channel.

This guy randomly popped into my head the other day....

Smashing Pumpkins, Bush, Nirvana, STP, REM, Hootie and the Blowfish, Dave Mathews Band, Matchbox 20, Soundgarden, Prodigy...and so on!
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Jamiroquai is just awesome, I am a huge fanboy, listened to Smashing Pumpkins, Bush, Faith No More, Deftones,
Refused and Clawfinger alot when I went skating with my friends, they always wanted to put Nirvana on but I
wasn't a big fan-oh and I listened to the Bloodhound Gang alot :D but almost everybody in Germany did imho.
Still strange to think about it because I was between 3 and 13 years old in the 90's and my parents TV didn't
show MTV or Viva so I got to know new music only through my friends most of the time or buying CDs because
the Artwork looked cool :D

And another great thing about the 90ies:
Half Life, Quake, Fallout 1&2 and all the other awesome games were released (Day of the Tentacle, Secrets
of Monkey Island, GTA, Doom and the allmighty Duke Nukem 3D!!!)
I just took a quit look through my CD's, and the 90's are like a big empty gap for me it seems :lol:
Most of my music consists of 80's and post 2k stuff, with some 70's classics in between.

The only albums I regulary listen to that are from the 90's are

(+ CFH & FBD)

Black Album, Load, S&M...but I think that's about it really...I guess it's just not my decade :lol:
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I'd say the vast majority of what I listen to is from the 90's, being a straight up Death and Black metal guy...

This record reeks of the decade...

Probably one of the most "90's" looking covers you'll find