The Acacia Strain - Death Is The Only Mortal - Mix Critique

Bay Studio

Jul 29, 2011
Austria/New Jersey
Hey guys :)

I´m a big fan of the new Acacia Strain, especially Wormwood produced mixed and mastered by Zeuss at Planet Z Studios. But their new effort was all done by DL (the guitarist and songwriter) himself. I dont think its all too bad! In their studio video he claims that his guitar sound is a mix of a dual recto and a DAR amp. I dont believe so... It pretty much sounds like Axe FX to me. What do you guys have to say about this/the mix? :)
Here´s the 1st track off of their new album.

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It was definitely mixed by a guitarist, that's for sure. The drums aren't loud enough for my tastes, I feel like the snare in an Acacia mix needs to be the hardest hitting thing in the world and be very prominent. Also not sure if they tracked real drums or if it's Superior... would be really bummed if they programmed considering how insane Kevin is behind the kit.
The guitars have a super weird low mid thing going on - you'd have trouble knowing there's a bass guitar in there if it weren't for the fret noise.

Vince's lyrics are dog shit as usual. Ever since The Dead Walk he's just written high-school level crap.
It was definitely mixed by a guitarist, that's for sure. The drums aren't loud enough for my tastes, I feel like the snare in an Acacia mix needs to be the hardest hitting thing in the world and be very prominent. Also not sure if they tracked real drums or if it's Superior... would be really bummed if they programmed considering how insane Kevin is behind the kit.

I´m def with you on that one.. The Cymbals are real, for sure, you can hear that. I´m not too sure if DL has the knowledge to nail that drum sound without using drum samples. To me it sounds as if the shells were programmed and the cymbals were recorded sepparetly.
What do you guys have to say about the guitar tone thing? He claims to have used a dual recto + a DAR amp. But it totally sounds like fucking Axe FX!!!
The only problem I really have with DL's mix is his snare sound. It sounds quite wimpy in this otherwise monster of a mix.
Yeah, it sounds a tad too weak. Like JeffTD said, the snare has to be the hardest shit ever beeing hit in an acacia strain mix. Otherwise, i´d really want to have more info on this production...Still wondering if the drums were actually played, or just programmed and cymbals recorded separately.
tas's been one of my favorite bands for years, but i'm not digging this at all so far. especially vincent's monotone vocals. breaks my heart to see my favorite bands falling apart
Zeuss mastered it, I wish the guitars were a tad lower though. Can barely hear the drums and kevin's drumming is usually driving the music hard. Though, I do like vince's vocals on this more than wormwood. Took a turn towards deadwalk again, I like a more raw vocal. Not tracked multiple time. Probably my favorite part of the record
yeah, its mixed way too "guitarish", not like wormwood, where the drums are more upfront than anything else. On the other hand, i gotta give it to DL for this effort...I do still love the mix he went for, and it sounds real good (compared to a pro production like Wormwood)
I am really impressed. I mean DL is not a known engineer or mixing guy for other bands. It´s the first album he did and it just sounds brutal as fuck.
Sure its guitar upfront, but on the other hand the songs I heard aren´t that aggresive and more dark and progressive so its ok for me
How can someone go completely manical with (good) guitar editing, but not get the tone down first? The low-mid honk people mentioned here is extremely annoying, wtf DL.
I'm not sure whether it's the squishy guitars or the low-mid resonance, but it actually hurts my ears to listen to this album. Which sucks, because Wormwood had some of the best production I've ever heard.