The acacia strain-Wormwood!!!


Contagious Destruction
Dec 31, 2006
Sorry if this has been talked about but does anyone know what was use for guitars?? This album is heavy sounding as fuck hahaha
The overall tone and feel is amazing-well done :flame:
necro bump is necro...

My Mk I Sennheiser 421 is arriving this week... i'm terribly excited to put it in front of a cab and go after "Wormwood".

Does anyone have any further intelligence on this? 2ch dual, red channel? or Orange? I'm thinking orange.
DL's tone as of late were 2ch dual recs into mesa OS cabs. I think he's using DAR amps now though, but wormwood was probably just like continent. 2ch rectos. Probably red channel
MAJOR love for this album, production AND music, good god. Hate it on blast/repeat/blast for like a month STRAIGHT.