the Ace of Base appreciation thread

Since 1997 Linn has appeared at her band's concerts only to perform in the dark or from behind objects such as curtains or pillars.[1][2] In the band's music videos, her image is often blurred or missing altogether.[2] Linn frequently appears unhappy, upset, or even ill in pictures taken of her.[2] Linn has not granted an interview since that year.[3] The other band members, too, have been somewhat reluctant to explain what has happened to Ace of Base's former lead singer. Linn frequently avoids cameras.[4][1][2] The band performed "Ravine" with Linn pretending to play keyboards in the far background of the stage.[1][2] In 1998 when Linn walked off the set of the "Cruel Summer" video in Rome, her manager said it was because she did not wish to appear in the foreground of the video.[2] Director Nigel Dick later revealed she would not have appeared at all, were it not for his insistence. Jenny ended up singing both her own and Linn's parts in the video. Bravo magazine claimed later that year that Linn was seriously ill, a claim which appeared to be true, based on Linn's odd, shaking appearance on Germany's television spot The Dome, and photos appearing in Bravo.[2] Ulf Ekberg once claimed Linn had a "camera phobia", but other sources have cited her long-time fear of flying as the reason she doesn't appear at the band's concerts. Yet Linn also did not appear at events in Gothenburg and Copenhagen, where she would not have had to fly.

In Linn's last interview, from 1997,[3][5] she states her wish to simply remain in the background, and the eight videos filmed after this interview (mostly) comply to her wishes. Other promotional materials, such as album covers and inserts, also feature blurred, unsmiling, distinctly unhappy photographs of her. The Flowers album uses the infamous 'blue lines' photograph, where Linn's unhappy image is bizarrely hidden behind the booklet's blue line design.[6]

In stark contrast to the other members of the band, other details of Linn's life, such as any detail of her life outside the band, are completely unknown. Whereas the other band members have been open about their relationships (Jonas and Jenny are both married, each with two small children, and Ulf has two boys with his long-time girlfriend[

....goddamn swedish.