the ACLU loves kiddie porn

sick fuck...but pervetedly give him credit where credit is due in a sick fashion fighting for free unblocked access at your PUBLIC LIBRARY.

im a dad of 4 with a young girl i'd hang this sick fuck myself.
sick fuck...but pervetedly give him credit where credit is due in a sick fashion fighting for free unblocked access at your PUBLIC LIBRARY.

im a dad of 4 with a young girl i'd hang this sick fuck myself.

they did that so their staff could enjoy kiddie porn away from home.
Whatever helps you sleep at night... :zombie:

They're all bad folk, period. Brain ain't wired right....

OK... OK... OK!! Pete Townshend DOES twist the law and puts perverts in seats of power! GEEZ!!

and ZZZ, i dont practice Islam. my God is real. i also dont drink or take sleeping pills. Melatonin, every now and again, but that's it.
Pedophiles (and the members of the ACLU) need to be herded into the town squares and publically hung for their crimes against humanity
Pedophiles (and the members of the ACLU) need to be herded into the town squares and publically hung for their crimes against humanity

what do you think about some of the instances where pedophiles released from prison are forced to display signs in their yards that say: 'A pedophile lives here' or something to that effect?
i remember seeing some news reports about cases like that and the ACLU was up in arms over that, too, saying it was a 'violation' of those pervs' rights.
hhhmmm... i'd say raping or abusing the innocense of children is an abuse of their 'rights' to feel safe and secure, so when the ACLU starts taking care of them, i'll listen.
OK... OK... OK!! Pete Townshend DOES twist the law and puts perverts in seats of power! GEEZ!!

and ZZZ, i dont practice Islam. my God is real. i also dont drink or take sleeping pills. Melatonin, every now and again, but that's it.

Being that there is no God at all, I don't see how that is the case.

But not drinking? :OMG: That's probably why I could never even consider being one of you God people.

Melatonin never worked for me.
Being that there is no God at all, I don't see how that is the case.

But not drinking? :OMG: That's probably why I could never even consider being one of you God people.

Melatonin never worked for me.

ZZZ, my misinformed friend, there IS a God and he has a sense of humor. that would explain your being here. :Smug:

as for the 'not drinking' thing, that has nothing to do with my faith. i used to drink, but it occurred to me that when i go to a show, i'd actually like to enjoy it while i'm there and remember it the next day, so i quit drinking. it wasnt hard, at all. i was never a slave to it and i never felt like i needed it as some sort of 'status' symbol. i gave it up long before i ever even turned to any kind of faith.

and Melatonin works great for me, when i need it. i guess individual metabolism might have something to do with why it works better for some than others.
SueNC said:
what do you think about some of the instances where pedophiles released from prison are forced to display signs in their yards that say: 'A pedophile lives here' or something to that effect?

I love it. The SCARLET LETTER for them adulterers out there, and THE CRIMSON YARD SIGN for those child molesting pervs. Let's get old fashioned Puritan on these weirdos!

Whoeveritwas said:
Pedophiles (and the members of the ACLU) need to be herded into the town squares and publically hung for their crimes against humanity

Even better. Let's get good ol Medieval on their sicko asses! A gallows with bodies dangling for the carrion birds to one side of town hall, each bearing a sign that reads "I fucked a child and now I'M the one who's fucked!"

what do you think about some of the instances where pedophiles released from prison are forced to display signs in their yards that say: 'A pedophile lives here' or something to that effect?
i remember seeing some news reports about cases like that and the ACLU was up in arms over that, too, saying it was a 'violation' of those pervs' rights.
hhhmmm... i'd say raping or abusing the innocense of children is an abuse of their 'rights' to feel safe and secure, so when the ACLU starts taking care of them, i'll listen.

As a father of a toddler I want not only yard signs but special license plates on their cars, and I want to be notified when one moves near me. As far as I am concerned, convicted pedophiles have no rights of privacy at all. If I were the law I would make it mandatory that those convicted of a agressive sex crime--rape, pedophilia, etc would be castrated
Wow, that report has some disturbing details,
C'mon Sue, your'e being childish. Just cuz one guy does it, doesn't make the whole organization bad.
Following your logic, the entire Catholic Church are child molesting perverts.
As would be all police officers, since both priests and cops have been convicted of molesting children in the past.
and all white people are racist, because of past slavery.
and all female teachers are horny sluts who like to get it on with their students, because of the several women who have been caught.
Admit it, you like to childishly generalize because you seek attention.
Wow, that report has some disturbing details,
C'mon Sue, your'e being childish. Just cuz one guy does it, doesn't make the whole organization bad.
Following your logic, the entire Catholic Church are child molesting perverts.
As would be all police officers, since both priests and cops have been convicted of molesting children in the past.
and all white people are racist, because of past slavery.
and all female teachers are horny sluts who like to get it on with their students, because of the several women who have been caught.
Admit it, you like to childishly generalize because you seek attention.

the ACLU jumped in the fray to defend NAMBLA [North American Man Boy Love Association] when 2 of their members were brought to court for having kidnapped, raped and murdered 10 yr. old Jeffery Curley.
NAMBLA puts out manuals called 'RAPE AND ESCAPE,' teaching men how to kidnap and rape children.
i'd say any organization that can support that kind of sickness needs to be shut down.
the ACLU jumped in the fray to defend NAMBLA [North American Man Boy Love Association] when 2 of their members were brought to court for having kidnapped, raped and murdered 10 yr. old Jeffery Curley.
NAMBLA puts out manuals called 'RAPE AND ESCAPE,' teaching men how to kidnap and rape children.
i'd say any organization that can support that kind of sickness needs to be shut down.

Shut down and ir members investigated. Its amazing to me that in todays day and age that an organization such as this is allowed to exist.