The Adventures of Codi and Gonzo 5

Yea... The ten minutes it took to make what was clearly labeled "TRAILER" (*What's a trailer you ask? Ok I will try to explain it to you although im not sure you have enough smarts to understand a complete sentence. It is a PREVIEW for the LONGER FULL LENGTH product. Thats it, end of explanation, now back to continue the sentence I started out, see here? Im telling you I am continuing the sentence because im not so sure that if I didn't you wouldn't understand, ok? Here I will even make this whole section a different color so you know it's not part of the first sentence.*) previewing the next installment part of the series that had 4 previous installments. So yes to you maybe 10 minutes is verrry long when it comes to fucking your boyfriend or whatever. Which tells me one thing about you and your judgement :Smug:

Blind fucking n00b.
Yea... The ten minutes it took to make what was clearly labeled "TRAILER" (*What's a trailer you ask? Ok I will try to explain it to you although im not sure you have enough smarts to understand a complete sentence. It is a PREVIEW for the LONGER FULL LENGTH product. Thats it, end of explanation, now back to continue the sentence I started out, see here? Im telling you I am continuing the sentence because im not so sure that if I didn't you wouldn't understand, ok? Here I will even make this whole section a different color so you know it's not part of the first sentence.*) previewing the next installment part of the series that had 4 previous installments. So yes to you maybe 10 minutes is verrry long when it comes to fucking your boyfriend or whatever. Which tells me one thing about you and your judgement :Smug:

:lol: calm down there killer. I still think it must take you a long time to complete the other versions. I STILL feel you have no life. I didn't say that they weren't creative and or amusing.