The Agony Scene - The Darkest Red


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
The Agony Scene – The Darkest Red
Roadrunner Records – 168 618 249-1 – May 24th, 2005
By Jason Jordan


I don’t want bands to do poorly. I honestly want our music-makers to be able to live off their craft, without being forced to dilute their sound to sell records. I’m in no way implying that The Agony Scene – since their debut The Agony Scene dropped on Solid State Records – have sold out or anything. What I am saying, though, is that the group’s initial charm has begun to wear thin, especially after giving The Darkest Red multiple, undivided listens.

The first thing that grabbed my attention was the production. Every instrument is ferocious, the mix is just right, and every musical instrument sounds like it should. The second attribute that captivated me was the vocal presentation. Williams – whether he’s screaming or singing – displays prowess, which is most likely the result of lots and lots of practice. And, the performances on The Darkest Red are all quite good. The best results can be derived from “The Darkest Red,” “Prey” (a video now), “Procession,” and “Suffer.” So, in essence, tracks six through eight are the shiniest gems that The Agony Scene have polished. I will also venture to say that metalcore is at the top of its game in a song like “Procession,” where the wrecking ball-rhythm sways, the vocalist spits his lines, and the chorus intensifies the whole effect. The jolt-inducing moments in a song such as “Procession” are akin to being sucker-punched in the face. Unfortunately, most other tracks simply can’t compete with their aforementioned superior. Too often I felt that a considerable amount of ideas, found on the record, have been recycled time and time again.

Despite everything I’ve said up to this point, The Darkest Red is worth looking up if you fancied The Agony Scene. I wouldn’t say this is the epitome of the sophomore slump. I’d like to think of this as a half step back from where the band began. But, I just hope I don’t hate these guys when the market becomes over-saturated with ‘em. The Agony Scene trapper-keeper? No thanks.


Official The Agony Scene Website
Official Roadrunner Records Website