The Album title word game

Wicked Child

Mar 4, 2003
Vista, CA
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[font=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]This is how it works: I'll start with an album title, whoever responds has to come up with a title that has one word that was in mine, and so on! So if i said "THE KEY" by NOCTURNUS, one correct reply would be "KEEPER OF THE SEVEN KEYS" by HELLOWEEN. but words like "the, of, a, and" etc. DO NOT COUNT![/font]​
[font=Geneva, Arial, Sans-serif]AND NO ONE WORD TITLES![/font]​
I'll start.
Slayer-Hell Awaits
baldyboy said:
reinventing hell was the best of they put out last year.i was listening to it yesterday so thats why i thought of it.
lets use cowboys from hell instead then!

Hell Hath No Fury - ROCK GODDESS
We had this game in Metal Gospel and last for months! But the trick is to be true to the word, not even make it plural, that way is harder and funnier :p

And Sixx I hate to be a bitch but is "When Dream And Day Unite".

Therefore I will propose two: one to follow Johnny D and one to follow Sixxswine.

Sinergy - "To Hell And Back" (Johnny D)
Meliah Rage - "Death Valley Dream" (Sixxswine)