The Amen Corner

Nov 20, 2006
Who else loves this song?

I'm really glad they played it on that chronology tour thing they did a while back. The song has grown on me every time I listen. The first few minutes are chock full of riffs made of gold, and that creepy acoustic part at the end - "eerie circles upon the waters" - hauntingly good.

One of the few high points of MAYH for me.
It definitely doesn't beat out Demon Of The Fall in my book, but it is a quality song.
It's probably the Opeth song that I still feel lost with as I listen to it. Now that's definitely not a bad thing. Amen Corner just keeps on bringing more and more which each listen, it's so dark.
Favorite Album, and Favorite song! I was stoked when they played it supporting the GR album.
I respect your opinion... And this is my opinion: to say that "The Amen Corner" is one of the "few" high points... i don't know... but to me MAYH is one of the greatest pieces of music that i have listen, as a whole, and track by track... maybe your statement about TAC being one of the few high points is due to the greatness of the album, and the difficult to choose any track as a favourite... i love conceptual albums... being my favourite TDSOTM...
i personally love april ethereal. and credence. epilogue is the best instrumental ever. very reminiscent of the ending to heir apparent. :headbang:

i mean, the ending to HA is reminscent of epilogue. whatever.