The American Dream ....


Active Member
Sep 27, 2002
There is a 44 page thread on one of the MINI sites I go to about the SUV and the general consensus about the American lifestyle ...

Then this site popped up:

will take a look at it when I have a little more time ... but I imagine this will make some good discussion here as well
I agree that it's getting completely out of hand, but at this time it's become so indocrinated in North American culture that it is difficult to break that cycle without a serious, concious effort.

Unfortunately most of those afflicted don't have the ability to think it through exactly what they're doing and have no means to pull themselves out of it until it's all over and done with, IF they even recognize the problem.
There was a documentary called Affluenza I watched in some class in college about 5 years ago, it was very good and I recommend it to anyone with a lot of money/stuff.

Personally, I'm close to selling off my personal possessions and living life as a Buddhist. I'm not sure if I have the balls for such a lifestyle, but I am starting to aspire to it.
hmm, as I am getting older and see more and more people get caught up in it, the more I hate it. I am thankful that my immediate surroundings (NYC in general and my freinds) are really not that bad as far as possesions. The rent, general daily livign is so pricy that a lot of people cannot afford toys.

Oddly enough, Romania for example, is heading down this road also. Eastern Europeans starting back from the days of Communism always had a fascination with material possesions and aquiring the most toys possible.

As for me, even now I feel I have all I need, would like to "own" my own place rather than rent, but otherwise I am happy with what I have. All I need is a good woman at this point ... hmm.
I could go on a rant here, as could everyone else that posts here, but I sard. There's no changing society.