The Autumn Offering - Fear Will Cast No Shadow

let me guess....they are playing Powerfest

of course, why else would I even bother to mention then.....along with
Amorphis, Iron Maiden, Heaven and Hell, Nightwish and any other band
I's probably a good rule of thumb, if Chris mentions a band,
they're definitely playing Powerfest. :rolleyes::heh::)
Well, in all fairness to Bob, last year you guys would start talking up bands before announcing them. Therefore, he isn't too far off base with his comment. (Esp considering announcements are forthcoming!)
Well, in all fairness to Bob, last year you guys would start talking up bands before announcing them. Therefore, he isn't too far off base with his comment. (Esp considering announcements are forthcoming!)

oh, bob doesn't need any fairness, he doesn't play fair himself...haha...just
breaking his balls because he deserves it. the timing of this thread is purely
coincidental with anything Powerfest.....their album recently came out, i
happened to be listening to it and including them on a top 5 list for a mag.,
and lastly a great friend of mine works with the band....that's all. :)
Actually, I'm one of their co-managers. ;)

Believe it or not, I do more than Twelfth Gate & CRJ...also Mortal Music Inc. And yes, my plate is full...sometimes it actually overflows a right now. :p
I used to love their store though, Bulldog Records.
Great collection of the old school hardcore stuff.

While I personally don't care for the newer bands on the label, you can't deny the label's history.

I just don't like the fact that they take hardcore bands and market them as metal, just to fit the times. I mean, I get it from a marketing perspective, as all you have to do to get the attention of easily influenced teens is slap a sticker that says, "If you like bands such as PANTERA, METALLICA, HATEBREED, IN FLAMES, etc, etc"

I have not heard the Autumn Offering, so I can't comment on them. Just a lot of their other bands previously marketed as metal that simply are not, (IE - Atreyu, Bury Your Dead, etc).

Little Victory Records trivia for you...
Zach De Rocha (SP?) from RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE's first band was on Victory Records!
Yeah, you should really give TAO a chance...they are one of the non-standard Victory bands. Their older stuff is killer trash with a modern twist & their new stuff is even better now cuz of the new singer.

Actually, some people might think I'm nuts, but IMO, I think they sound like the American version of Scar Symmetry.

Singer can do killer death vox & his clean voice is fucking amazing. His clean melodies & style almost have a combination of power metal & 80's metal...balanced very well with death vox. Also, the music is sick...the lead guitarist is one of the most talented young guitarists I've heard in a while...his leads are as "metal" as they come!! :headbang:

Also, one of the songs on the new album features a solo by the great Ralph Santolla...amazing guitarist too & very cool guy...met him at the studio when TAO was recording.
I gave it a listen.
At first, reminds me of Bush-era Anthrax.

Not really my sort of thing, but definitely better than most of the metal-core offered by Victory.

The vocals stuck out the most for me.