The awesome UFO thread!


Active Member
Nov 24, 2005
Well, I believe in the existence of life on other planets. But I also believe in UFOs. We see things in the news all the time about them. People that see them. I don't think they want to attack us, because they would of already done it. What are your thoughts on UFOs?
Given the existence of life in such extreme environments on Earth, the likelihood of microorganisms on other worlds, even within our solar system, is a likely possibility. However, the chances of there being more complex life out there become much more slim, given the precise conditions required for a planet to sustain complex life forms.

The Earth is within a narrow range of distance from the Sun that permits liquid water to exist in most places. Also, the stable rotation and nearly circular orbit disallows extreme temperature differentials in a given place on Earth. The Earth has an atmosphere that regulates temperature and prevents an extreme margin in temperature between day and night for a given location. Lastly, the Earth contains an abundance of elements necessary for life, at least by our understanding, to exist. These are plentiful amounts of carbon, oxygen and nitrogen.

But as I said before, the conditions necessary for simple life forms are not difficult to achieve. But despite the extremely slim chances of complex, albeit sentient life in the universe, the sheer scale of the universe gives those chances a significant boost.
I would have to see an alien or UFO and have never seen lights in the sky thinking it was a UFO.
What if the life on other planets don't need the meet the requirements we have to live. Maybe they might now need water. Maybe their bodies can survive harsher conditions. Maybe they don't need the elements we need like oxygen, carbon or nitrogen. Also I believe there are other Earth like planets out there.
What if the life on other planets don't need the meet the requirements we have to live. Maybe they might now need water. Maybe their bodies can survive harsher conditions. Maybe they don't need the elements we need like oxygen, carbon or nitrogen. Also I believe there are other Earth like planets out there.

By our current definition of life, certain fundamental conditions are required, as I described above.

For example, Europa has an ocean of liquid water under it's icy surface. The water exists because of Jupiter's gravity. If there are organic elements present in that ocean, life is a likelihood.

So far we have yet to find any forms of life that do not depend on the presence of organic elements.

BTW, get on AIM.
There is no chance of that.

With roughly 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars out there I wouldn't rule anything out yet. It's possible there are human-like creatures which followed a similar path of evolution and are living on an earth-like planet facing earth-like problems. Why not?
There's a super infinitesimally small chance that they would exist because they'd have to follow a really goddamn similar evolutionary path.
With roughly 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars out there I wouldn't rule anything out yet. It's possible there are human-like creatures which followed a similar path of evolution and are living on an earth-like planet facing earth-like problems. Why not?

There's a difference between human-like and human.
The arguments people make for/against always seem to presume that life on a planet other than Earth would be similar to life here. I don't see how you can believe that there is alien life anywhere until we can prove it. However it does seem statistically very probable, given the vast numbers of stars/planets, that it could. I'm sure if it does exist it's nothing like anything on this planet anyway.
I absolutely believe there is life other than us in the universe. It is pretty much a statistical certainty that there is something else outthere given the incomprehensible vastness of the universe. However I don't believe that anything has ever made its way overhere and I have never seen a single UFO case report that seems even remotely credible. And just like with all the religious debates, just because something cannot be readily explained doesn't automatically validate the only other popular theory that is outthere (in other words just because no one was able to figure out what it was doesn't mean it therefor has to be an alien ship).

Speculating on what kind of life can be outthere also seems pretty pointless since there are basically infinite possibilities and we always tend to approach it from our own frame of reference which I don't think necessary applies at all anywhere else in the universe. All we really know is carbon based life but who is to say that there aren't other mechanisms outthere that we simply haven't observed or conceived of yet.

And it certainly isn't necessary for conditions to be "comfortable" in order for life to exist somewhere. Even here on earth we have creatures able to sustain themselves in extreme conditions such as the deep sea creatures that live near hydrothermal volcanic vents several kilometers beneath the ocean surface, an environment that has ridiculous temperature and pressure levels and is extremely toxic. On paper it looks like an environment that would never sustain any life, yet it does.

It's too bad space exploration moves at such a painstakingly slow pace. I so much would like to know more about everything that is outthere. But I'm pretty pessimistic there will be any amazing breakthrouhs during my lifetime at the pace it's going at now.
I agree with most of what has been said. Obviously no alien races are visiting the planet right now. Also I doubt even if we someday find extra terrestrial life, that it will be human-like. Just because things on earth evolved generally to have 4 limbs and a head, doesn't mean that's what will be dominant on other planets. Indeed even on earth there is a huge variation.

I am pessimistic about ever finding intelligent life and/or traveling the universe. But you never know, my ancestor could one day captain the Enterprise against the Romulans.
The one thing I really hate is that I'm alive right now. Looking at the increasing speed in which we develop new technologies is depressing. Need a time machine to go 5,000 years into the future or something.
I want to find a gas giant with giant stingray shaped floating creatures absorbing what ever it is they live on. ;[