The Beautiful People

Females in Bands that happen to be attractive are so few between that it's difficult to say whether I actually find the girl or the rarity attractive. Yeah, Scabbia looks attractive in her promo photos, and in magazine shoots (possibly not so much in reality), but is it just her status that really appeals?

I hate the celebrity-centric world we live in these days. Daniella Westbrook was co-hosting a plastic surgery show last night on TV, with giant fake tits, a low cut top, an Essex accent you could cut cast iron with, and a new middle bit for her coke encrusted nose. What a fucking Micro-celebrity. What the fuck was she doing hosting a plastic surgery show dressed like a 50 year-old bar maid?

She was there because she'd attract fucking dumb-as-shit viewers. I hate the idolisation of fame for fame's sake. No one worships talent any more, they worship fame itself, forgetting that people used to have something to be famous for.

*cough* oh dear, I seem to have gone into a rant. Sorry!
in that outfit she wore in croyden *gets a little flustered*
ithink its more what the voice is and th lyrics they're singin that makes som1 hot2me, take tarrie b....not the prettiest lil girl but man her voice is hot and she's so passionate it's hard not 2 fantisise bout her. cristina scabbia has a beautiful voice. nuf sed
Talent has to come before looks when you're talking about musicians. Like Matt said, reality can vary greatly from promo shots - and not just for musicians. Tell that to the record companies and magazines though.

I'm sure we could name a couple of female artists who are all over the metal press who don't deserve the recognition - but then, chances are you could do the same with male artists too
Christina Scabbia is a babe, as is the girl from Nightwish! but im still all about Tobey Torres, i dont know where she is these days, but i still think about her every day!!
Tarja is hot sometimes but has a funny jaw. She looks better without the plastered on makeup.

Tobey Torres would be hot if it weren't for that silly fringe.

I'm all about:
Christina Scabbia
<---- Talena Atfield
Ed Godby (Beecher)
Keith Buckley (Every Time I Die)

And apologies for sound like the big fan girl like omg ArEa54 iz teh hotness!!!!111 but you know some things have to be said.
okay this is cool thread.
a band called Phantom Blue late 80's/ early 90's...faniced every single one...(yes they are all female) but particularly Michelle Meldrum the drummer...phwarrrr (i have a signed promotional artwork on the wall of them...won that from RAW)....
also still fancy Doro, who desperately needs to do another gig here so i can idolise her again close up (oh what a joyous time at the Kings head)..anytime.
Claire from Invey is cool, but probably untouchable.
err fancy the Corrs drummer also but that isn't very heavy metal is it...but hey lets not fight over it! Also Anastascia and PINK but hey they are different catergories right? (and yes i've seen them both and going again...i like lots of music and don't give a shit if i wanna see, i go)
then there is the probably all of them.

i guess that is about it, if i said Laura you'd probably think me a pervert! (although she is extremely good looking) cause of the age and all, not at all the reason i see Area54, i go for the music, as everyone should be aware i got into them on the blaze tour. Sure Laura is cute but i'll leave her for the younger members of this site.(however if she ever fancies the older man... hello babe! he he he! i'll probably get a smack for this.... yeah baby! (aka Austin powers voice over)...)
Mia cute though! (probably get a smack for that as well) :D :wave:
But i have to say the rock world is seriously lacking in babe fodder for us blokes, well on stage that is.(rolls tongue into mouth after bloodstock)...... we need more women in rock / metal. Hence good idea for the bloodstock stage for a female fronted band section, very much appreciated.
But i do agree overall with Matt, if some female on stage was giving a shit performance just cause she looked good i'd be the first to walk out of the hall, i pay for good musicianship first and looks second. Anyone can look good if you try ,but can you perform?? Tarts on stage with bad voices, er no thanks. Hope that isn't to harsh!

err Matt you were watching that program, i wonder why! ha ha ha ha... only kidding.

Hey Girls, what blokes do you fancy? apart from Lakis of one point it was all Brett Michaels, sebastian bachs, slash, duff, axle, Jon Bovi and all the hairbands characters... hell who is in now on the bloke front? I heard someone say Rob Flynn of Machine head was in at one point !
Aside from Lakis :p here are the other guys I mentiond:

Ed Godby:

Keith Buckley:

Yes I could have found a more flattering picture of Keith, but he is hot and I was at that gig, making the picture more special, haha

And not to forget Robb Flynn :D
Peter Day said:
err Matt you were watching that program, i wonder why! ha ha ha ha... only kidding.
I like blood and gore - plastic surgery shows are my snacks between the main meals... :p

My theory on girls in Rock - and I'm going to sound sexist here (but anyone who knows me will say I'm not) - is as follows:

Good looking women have an easy ride in this Mens world. Whatever you think, Men still dominate the planet in terms of political and economic power. We still make the rules, or the rules that still exist were made by us, the Men. Women who choose to use their femininity in this way can get success ultimately from the libido of men. Therefore, women are less likely to act out of sequence, and are more likely to dress, speak and think in the most popular way. Men don't get to use their masculinity to gain anything long term (in the short term, it is often used to gain respect and power in a very small scope of other men, but nothing long term like jobs and status). Therefore acting, dressing and thinking in the most fashionable way is less appealing than it is for women. We, men, get nothing other than an instinct to group from being the same as the next man.

Because of these points, Men are more likely to decide to become "alternative" and follow a different crowd. We then get lots more men into rock and other alternative music compared to women. It also explains why there are a lot of Bi or Homosexual women into rock - with less of a desire to be "in" with the men, they are more different to the majority and therefore not "with" the majority. The same is also true of men in this case, but with far more men into alternative music, the percentages are not as high.

Of course, I'm probably spouting shit here, so tell me to fuck off if you think I'm wrong. I am of course talking in wide generalisations, and do realise that there are exceptions to the rule.
I know the sort of thing you're saying Matt.

I remember having a heated discussion about women in rock and got huge amounts of flack for saying that in comparison with men, women were not as important to the genre. There are far more men involved in the genre - being a rock star is obviously more a male ambition than a female one (like becoming a racing driving/fighter pilot/astronaut) and guitars have obvious penis subsitute references. Look at rock and try to find the female equivalent of Vai or Satriani (erm, Great Kat?) or Bob Dylan or Lennon & McCartney, or Led Zep or Sabbath or Queen or Maiden or Metallica. That's not to say there aren't talented female musicians out there, just for some reason they are unable - or unwilling - to reach the same status as the men.

Kittie, thank you for not including the current alternative poster boy Ville Valo in your list, he's a good example of reality and photos being very different.
Laura Salmon :D Anyone seen the 'She-Wolf' on the megadeth site?? Okay she ain't in the band or anything but suppose she works for 'Deth so...She handles the FaQ's on the deth site and asks Dave the Q's for you n stuff she's one fit lady!Wouldn't kick her outta bed for fartin! Dave said last night on the Brucey Dicko show that he would deffo consider doing some festivals next year either headlining or supporting, so long as 'it felt right'

Call me an idiot :D but I'd say the Cheeky Girls from the right angle :D just seen a pic of them at work n' ya fuckaaaa!!!
Slasher - thats just scary, go to your room and think about what you just said!!

If anyone puts in Ville Valo i will personally hunt them down and bitch slap them, hes neither good looking or talented! But then like with women, how many male bands are liked just cos the lead singer is fit - example InMe, when i saw them (i was going thru a bad time i didnt know what i was doing) there were soo many teeny boppers there, and they sold millions despite their music not being all that, but all because Dave Mcpherson was a bit a buff! but did he get slated - no! But if a woman is highly attractive, her sales get slated or her video play gets slated, cos shes using sex to sell, eg : Tobey Torres, she was bagged on soo much despite actually being a really talented vocalist and fantastic stage presence! Women have a tough time get respected in rock, cos they are seen as just image, unless your not the prettiest in the bunch like what Tink said, Tairrie B, she is attractive cos of her attitude and stuff, and she is very much photoshopped in her images, i know, ive seen her! but she has agression and passion, and makes great music!

But i think its also weird, how being in a rock band suddenly makes the most ugliest of men attractive (anyone mention Marilyn Manson and i will hit you) but take for example Gene Simmons, hes ugly beyond words, but has slept with thousands!

hmm im gonna stop talking shit now, and carry on chatting to Matt about it on msn!!
Gene Simmons is the best example of men wearing make-up being more attractive. Because anything between his face and our eyes is bonus.

But I'm sure there's one thing about him that a lot of people find attractive. His wallet.

I think Tobey Torres had a hard time because Snake River Conspiracy weren't a particularly easy band to get into. And they were on an obscure indie label and their music didn't fit in with what was popular at that time.

Image has always been an important factor in music though. Milli Vanilli anyone?