The best "Dam Christians" news I've heard in a long time


Santa Hat Forever
Sorry guys but as much as I searched for this news in english I can only find it in the original place I read it: A local free newspaper from Coruña so it´s in spanish. It probably isn´t even true cause I can´t find anything about it anywhere else but it still wins.

Basically some Finnish association set up a "trade religious books for porn mags" day, where everyone who takes a bible, coran or whatever gets a porn mag in return, the event is sponsored by a porn mag from USA and one from finland, and the religious books are to be used to recycle paper hahahahahaha how awesome is that huh?
That's awesome, but how is it "Dam Christians" -news? It's the Christians getting owned after all :goggly:

And I doubt it's real. I've never heard about it, and I'm finnish. Believe me, I would go make the switch in a second!
That's weird... I translated the article and the association in question has all its websites down. This sucks.
Yup, it's 100% true. The free-thinkers society have done similar stuff in the past. In fact, they provide a service where you can separate from the church online. I used it when I was fifteen.

Regarding the counter act, I wonder how many owners of porn magazines would like to give them away for a New Testament...
It could be a neat way to exchange porn you are already bored at. First go change your porn to New Testament. Then go change you New Testament to porn. Voilà! New porn :D

Hahahaha, that's a genius plan!

"So, you've decided to abandon the ways of sin and become one of God's own, then? Good for you, here's your New Testament!"
"Nah, I've just wanked through all my old porn already."
lol^ Great idea! I'm also going to start taking motel bibles. ;)

Remember to leave "something" to replace them! :grin:

The "Dam Christians" -part of this is that some people have made filed a complaint to the police, claiming breach of laws regarding indecency and blasphemy. Or something to that effect, I can't seem to figure out how to express this crap in english right now... But I hope you get what's going on.

Dam Christians.