The best game ever???

Iron Zombius

Sep 6, 2007
im sure by now you have all heard of this game, but if you havent this is "Rockband"

due to hit our shores in the next 6 months. Its a combo of guitar hero, singstar as well as bass and drums.

I cant wait to get on the sauce with my mates and give this a crack! :headbang:

and this is the track list

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Rockband guitar
Expert setting
"Run To The Hills"

"...and justice for all"

Watching the Metallica one, you can see where the bloke chooses "play downloaded songs", so that IS Metallica, but not necessarily a track that came with the actual game. I guess.
Went and had a look at the official game site

yes, there is a downloadable store. Im guessing you need to get an online thingy via your console (PS3 or XBox 360) however it is available for PS2.

not sure why however "run to the hills" is a cover, seeing as how "number of the beast" is the original on Guitar Hero 3..... unless maiden or more importantly Rod Smallwood got fucked over on negotiations for Guitar Hero 3?

im sure there is something going on with rights and percentage of sales and the like. All the songs on Guitar hero 1 are covers. Or unless some bands are taking a punt on Rockband, and others waiting to see
they are supposedly releasing a copy for the Nintendo Wii later this year, also with downloadable content.

Interested in see how it goes but the price tag and all the bundles (especially the drum kit) may make it too much to bother with.

Other major factor not mentioned here is the ability to play with people online, each on different instruments.
They is meant to be a huge factor in it's surging popularity over Guitar Hero.
I have mixed opinions about the Guitar Hero/Rockband phenomena. From a gamers and music fans point of view they are pretty awesome, and that is obviously why GH has sold so well, but from a musicians point of view they are to music what a microwave and 2 minute noodles is to cooking. :zombie:
I agree with Blitz. It's like the Grand Theft Auto series. If you're going to spend all that time just playing a game, why not go out and jack a car, shoot some cops and bash some hos for real? Same as Halo. It takes all the fun of blasting and alien horde and makes it so simple anyone can do it!
But isnt it introducing kids to the music that we grew up on.....thus keeping the music alive for another generation at least?
I agree with Blitz. It's like the Grand Theft Auto series. If you're going to spend all that time just playing a game, why not go out and jack a car, shoot some cops and bash some hos for real? Same as Halo. It takes all the fun of blasting and alien horde and makes it so simple anyone can do it!


For hacks like me who will never be able to play guitar at any decent level, GH looks like a good way to pretend we can actually play something!