The best mix I've made - E-standard content

I like it :)
standard? hahahaha that awesome man, mix is pretty good. I personaly like a little bit more of a saturated sound out of the snare but I don't really know if it would fit this genre of music considering I don't listen to it. Guitar has some pretty killer tone too! The bass guitar was amazing!
Composition-wise: A-muthafuckin'-plus

Mix wise: are you shittin' me? FUCKING AWESOME!!

Although, if there is room for improvement, I'd say it is the "in your face" sound. Could be guitar low end? Dunno...

You know what, actually, don't listen to me. Not only am I a newb, I'm drunk. And a foreigner. A Mexican at that. So yeah. Sweet licks, man. Reminded me of Dream Theater.