The Best News Ive Heard All Month!!

Soul4Raziel said:

What about Deliverance though? My collection must be complete!

I know what you mean.But the fact that this is coming out now makes you wonder how special the band are going to make this.Like,is it going to be analog(i hope),or digital,but i dont know what recording method they used.Or if in fact they did record it on digital,but in some way are putting it on vinyl as analog.We need the technical geeks in here!

And opeth are huge fans of any kind of obscure vinyl they can find.And this album is said to be representing their most obscure release yet.So it does make you think how cool this is going to be.

Im going to order this tommorow me thinks:D
whats the point of vynils?

for mere 'having more than you' value, ok thats understandable... but really, unless you can play them... bah, i'll shut up.
chaveta said:
whats the point of vynils?

for mere 'having more than you' value, ok thats understandable... but really, unless you can play them... bah, i'll shut up.

According to many...I dunno...umm..."elite" audiophiles, the sound quality of a well mastered fresh, new vinyl LP on a good sound system is better quality sound than any standard audio CD.

I personally think those kinda people are fooling themselves. Plus we've got DVD-audio and SACD on the horizon, so any of their whining will be null and void soon.
The Master said:
I personally think those kinda people are fooling themselves.
They are actually correct, in so much as the digital process does not replicate everything perfectly, some of the frequencies do get left out. In theory this should not be audible to the human ear, but I've seen enough people comment on a difference that I do think some can tell. Also, the mastering process for LPs is usually different than for CDs, so again there is a difference. :)
yourdeadgroom said:
They are actually correct, in so much as the digital process does not replicate everything perfectly, some of the frequencies do get left out. In theory this should not be audible to the human ear, but I've seen enough people comment on a difference that I do think some can tell. Also, the mastering process for LPs is usually different than for CDs, so again there is a difference. :)

True, but still, its hardly a difference at all. Really just a nitpick, IMHO, by people who just want to hang on to LPs cause they're nostalgiac and cool or something.
Well,i actually dont really play any of my vinyl.I just think that a good vinyl is worth so much more value for money.The packaging is excellent,the artwork is always enhanced much more because it is so big.And,they look alot more satisfying than cd's.And a huge bonus is the sound quality.

i guess i get turned on by records.ha ha.
There are only 1000 of these that are going to be printed right?

I want to make sure I get my hands on this, and it seems weird that if only 1000 of these are going to be made. that amazon will be selling some. It's not like amazon sold the 7" when it came out.

It seems weird. I hope they don't pull the item at the last minute and leave me fucked.