The Best Quiz Ever.


and his imaginary friend
Mar 4, 2005
Can be found here --->>


You are the large, round, friendly d20! (You probably didn't know this, but the shape of the twenty-sided die is called an Icosahedron.) You are the friendly, outgoing, outspoken, leader of friends. You are often looked up to, even though you don't normally deserve it. Most other types secretly wish they were you, and you'd give them tips on how, if only you had a clue yourself. Your charisma is often all you need, but you have your occasional moments of brilliance as well--just never when it's actually needed. You are the all-around good guy, a dependable chum, a respectable foe, and an inspiration to those who need one. Who says you can't get by on a smile and good looks alone?

You are the rare, the overlooked, yet incredibly useful dodecahedron: the d12. You are a creative, romantic soul. You often act without thinking, but make up for your lack of plans with plenty of heart. You easily solve problems that stump others, but your answers tend to put you into even deeper trouble. You write long, detailed backgrounds for all your characters, and are most likely to dress up as one or get involved in cos-play. You can be silly at times and are easily distracted by your own day dreams, but are at the end of the day you're someone who can be depended on.

No use trying to fight it, you're an eight-sided die, a d8. A fine example of simple elegance, the d8 is one of the least appreciated types of dice, and is often neglected. You are known to be quiet and shy, outward traits that conceal viscous sarcasm and mean wit. You are very smart, yet wise enough to hide your intelligence the quicker they found out how smart you are, the sooner they'll put you to work, which is something you can do without. People call you dark and pessimistic, or moody and cynical. You find little point in arguing.

Thats what I got,

and I love the disclaimer at the bottom :lol:

This survey is completely scientific. Despite the mind-boggling complexity of mankind, the billions of distinctly different personalities found on Earth can easily be divided into seven simple categories that correspond to the five Platonic solids, a pseudo polyhedron, and whatever the hell a d100 is. The results of this quiz should be considered not only meaningful but also infallible, and pertinent to your success as a fully realized individual. If you feel the results of this examination do not match your perceived personality, you should take whatever drastic measures are needed to cram your superego back into proper alignment, as described by the quiz results.
I am a d6

You are a good old-fashioned six-sided cube, otherwise known as a d6. Others know you to be plain, predictable, conservative, average, ordinary, and downright boring. You prefer to describe yourself as dependable, honest, practical and trustworthy. People usually know what to expect from you, since you rarely hold any surprises. You hate to make decisions, and if forced to decide, you'll always fall back on how it was done in the past. You always order the same thing at your favorite restaurant, and your jokes, while funny, are never too offensive. It seems that you are well liked, but maybe that's simply because there's nothing to hate.

:cry: ... :lol:
Haha, yeah, I'll break mine down for you guys just because I am procrastinating:

You are a good old-fashioned six-sided cube, otherwise known as a d6. Others know you to be plain, predictable, conservative, average, ordinary, and downright boring.
You prefer to describe yourself as dependable, honest, practical and trustworthy.
Yes again; it's part of my charm ;)
People usually know what to expect from you, since you rarely hold any surprises. You hate to make decisions, and if forced to decide, you'll always fall back on how it was done in the past.
You always order the same thing at your favorite restaurant,
and your jokes, while funny, are never too offensive.
It seems that you are well liked, but maybe that's simply because there's nothing to hate.
Heh, yeah I guess so.
Time-Machinist said:
:lol: It seems that our party leader is Ptah Khnemu. Ok Ptah, where do we go now? :saint:
he and I both, apparently :lol:

although the 12 seems much more descriptive of me... romantic, creative, and unusual. :tickled:
>You often act without thinking, but make up for your lack of plans with plenty of heart.

>You easily solve problems that stump others, but your answers tend to put you into even deeper trouble.
or just the way I phrase them. people often disagree with me.

>You write long, detailed backgrounds for all your characters, and are most likely to dress up as one or get involved in cos-play.
hmmm nah.

>You can be silly at times and are easily distracted by your own day dreams, but are at the end of the day you're someone who can be depended on.
dependable yes, distracted? nope

There's two ways to end up with this result. Either you picked the silliest possible answer to each question, or you answered honestly, and happen to be hyperactive, manic, loon. Assuming you answered honestly, your profile is as follows: You are the 100-sided dice, also known as the legendary Zocchihedron. You are the bit of data that registers so far off the chart that the average person doesn't even know you exist. You are desperate for attention and will get it any way you can. Your jokes have the lowest laugh ratio, but you go for quantity, not quality. Once you get started on a pointless tangent, it takes a group effort to bring you back to reality and make you shut up. You are a distraction who is permanently distracted. You consider yourself silly and entertaining, but everyone else complains about how lame and annoying you are. The one secret they aren't telling you, is how they sometimes actually miss the noise when you're gone.

:lol: :lol: :lol: No, i am not it :loco:
i got d6 but i really dont think thats me...
You are a good old-fashioned six-sided cube, otherwise known as a d6. Others know you to be plain, predictable, conservative, average, ordinary, and downright boring.
no, im known as the guy who is always thinking up the most random shit.
You prefer to describe yourself as dependable, honest, practical and trustworthy.
on occassion, but there is a devious side to me.
People usually know what to expect from you, since you rarely hold any surprises. You hate to make decisions, and if forced to decide, you'll always fall back on how it was done in the past.
Nah im always trying new things and methods.
You always order the same thing at your favorite restaurant,
usually due to the fact that i eat out maybe once a month and that is always wendys or something...
and your jokes, while funny, are never too offensive.
My jokes are quite often offensive, and i have a very strange sense of humor, i find humor in things nobody else does...
It seems that you are well liked, but maybe that's simply because there's nothing to hate.
Nah, people ether love me or hate me.
SilentRealm said:
i know this is just 'barnum-effect' shit, but am I the only one who thought they were surprisingly accurate? :lol:

Kinda, yeah, but I really see myself as alot more of a 12 than a 20.
No use trying to fight it, you're an eight-sided die, a d8. A fine example of simple elegance, the d8 is one of the least appreciated types of dice, and is often neglected. You are known to be quiet and shy, outward traits that conceal viscous sarcasm and mean wit. You are very smart, yet wise enough to hide your intelligence the quicker they found out how smart you are, the sooner they'll put you to work, which is something you can do without. People call you dark and pessimistic, or moody and cynical. You find little point in arguing.