The best song from Blackwater Park

The best track from Blackwater Park is...

  • The Leper Affinity

    Votes: 21 13.5%
  • Bleak

    Votes: 38 24.5%
  • Harvest

    Votes: 11 7.1%
  • The Drapery Falls

    Votes: 41 26.5%
  • Dirge for November

    Votes: 12 7.7%
  • The Funeral Portrait

    Votes: 17 11.0%
  • Patterns in the Ivy

    Votes: 2 1.3%
  • Blackwater Park

    Votes: 13 8.4%

  • Total voters


Lord and Liar
May 31, 2001
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The first time I listened to the CD, it was BLEAK that immediately touched my metal nerves, but now at last the other songs are beginning to make their impact too.
BWP has been the album to take the most time for me to come to grips with; I didn't even like it in the beginning.
And the song I liked the least is the song I like the best now...

Come on! I am a sucker for polls, so vote!
I'm big on The Leper Affinity. I love the riffs, the powerful emotion, and the piano outro. Seeing it live didn't hurt either. Bleak, The Drapery Falls, and Harvest are also favorites of mine off of BWP. I too, had a hard time with BWP at first. I mean there were parts that instantly jumped out at me, but it took a while to truly respect and enjoy it.
I was torn between The Leper Affinity and The Drapery Falls, not that I don't love all of the others, especially the emotionally resonant trio of Bleak (the song should get a vote solely for introducing me to Porcupine Tree!), Dirge, and the end I went with the opener because its riffs are better, and the acoustic and piano interludes are superb, despite my love for Mikael's vocals and the wailing bookend riff on the latter...
ill keep this as brief as i can!!

i was going to buy Still Life as many suggested but of all the stores i went to i only found a single coppy of BwPark so i grabbed it

when Lepery first opened up i knew i would hate Opeth. I knew it.hehehe by the time Bleak started my eyes had already begun to glaze over. A little way through Leper Affinity when they start to jam(right before he sings "fever mirrored ghosts" i belive) oh my Lord!!! That kicked my face in, no lie! Ive listened to it a couple times now and its still growing on me.
Lyrically i love it, beautifuly painted pictures. A bit gloomy at times for my liking but ill get over it im sure. Also, im pretty sure these guys arent Christians but some of their lyrics could easily be percieved to be by Christians. Anyone know if the practice or follow and specific religion or belief?

right now my fav song is either Funeral Portrait or Blackwater Park, hard to pick arrggg! sorry i had to use this poll i have tried to post a new thread a couple times to tell you guys what i got but im seeming to have trouble, im always logged in so i dont know whats up, i just hope this posts!!! Thanks again for your suggestions ill be here whether im posting or not

You are beginning a long journey, grasshoppah. A journey into the dark and beautiful world of Opeth. You've taken a few steps, but much awaits you. I only hope you come to love your copy of BWP to the point where getting the other 4 records becomes not a question... it's a little hard for me to grasp that you don't know what Morningrise or My Arms Your Hearse sound like. I hope you find out soon, but one step at a time.

To answer your question, to the best of our knowledge the members of Opeth specifically follow no particular religion, they all seem pretty atheistic.

See ya around (I hope you're able to resolve your tech issues)

"Wax on, wax off"
The first four tracks standout as my favourite wanderings through Blackwater Park. The Drapery Falls got my vote, but it could easily have gone in the direction of a particular Leper...

I love the riffs and the lyrics and the effortless change from heavy to acoustic after the resounding NEVER AGAIN!... Awesome. Lopez seems to have really nailed the drums as well.

Patterns in the Ivy is an unreal interlude that also deserves mentioning.

Not much else can be reliably put into words!
BWP is another strange album in Opeth discography. When I listen all albums, this is the most progressive one. I guessed that before the album relase, because of the news about Porcupine Tree's co-work on album. I like Bleak much, cause it is something fitted good on brutal and clear vokals, progressive and death sounds. I especially like the words;

"Break of morning, coldness lingers on
Shroud me into nightmares of the sun"

but this is something different....
Bleak, as the most emotionally affecting and "chilling" song got my vote. I was a bit surprised by how many votes The Drapery Falls has got, for I think it is far behind Bleak in both dynamics and emotion. Anyway, it is nice to read other people's opinions about the songs.

-Villain (np: Thales - World Beyond)
Love.... oooohhhh man.... wait till MAYH licks those ears... and Black Rose Immortal rapes them relentlessly for a loooong ass time... ha ha haaarrrrr... ;)

Though my fave from the first time I heard BWP is The Drapery Falls... 'Pull me down again, and guide me into... Ahhhh Ahhh' damn man that really got my attention and respect for emotional manipulation and rape thru melody. Though I love all the tracks... and I dunno how people don't like Dirge For November.. as soon as that kicks in after the slow part of the track that makes me shit myself! he heheh..

Maybe ill check Jars O Clay out. I know they were pretty big a while back in the Christian music scene(ima Christian)and may still be. For some reason i thought they were a "boy band" so i never checked them out. Hehehe first im the last person in the world to hear about Opeth and now Jars of Clay. I havent really gotten to what Opeth im buying next itll probably end up being whatever i can get my hands on.
Its been great talking to ya, later.

I think it's that off-beat bass riff in The Drapery Falls that does it for me. The chorus comes in, all unexpected-like. Really interesting to listen to. They're ALL good, but this one has caught my attention more as I've been giving the album some close scrutiny...

As for the religious nature, I once read a review that called Opeth "Christian-Friendly", and them for not swearing excessively, or at all, in songs. Once I read my first Mikael Akerfeldt interview, though.. that boy can swear up a storm! ;)
Tough question. It was between The Funeral Portrait, The Drapery Falls and Blackwater Park... but I have to go with The Drapery Falls...

I love the whole flow of that song. The melodic riffs in that song are the best on the album and the bass is incredible! The buildups and climaxes during the clean vocal sections don't hurt either.

I don't think anyone is voting for Dirge For November because it is the only incomplete song on the album (to me at least). The intros and outros are great, but the middle of the song is very boring. Still, it's not very long before the beautiful outro sets in place, so it doesn't bother me.
Note that in the Songs To Watch column (you've all read them, right? If not, the link is on Ultimate Metal's homepage), in the epics of 2001 list I do come to the conclusion that Drapery has the most epic feel of any song on Blackwater Park...its progression is absolutely breathtaking, and should be studied in music school. But I also find Leper to be more powerful.
well, at my first listen my absolute highlight was Bleak, but now it is The Drapery Falls.

Blackwater Park has the biggest production I've heard lately, even bigger than Metallica.

All those powerful distorted guitars and beautiful acoustic strummings.......
same as GDC -
1st Opeth song for me ever was Bleak, and I was mesmerized. Now, it's a toss up with Funeral Portrait.
Plus, I now have all Opeth albums, so I know a new song will bubble to the top.
Hey Demonspell,
I absolutely agree.. the progression of Drapery is so fucking amazing. Its such a diverse landscape of transformations and it all flows so amazingly well. Its a very good example of perfect balance between haunting light emotions and darker raping ones and should be studied to understand how music can be so diverese all in the one song. Truly a prog epic.