The best song Summoning ever wrote is...

Summoning, folks!

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I love Summoning but I've never heard Nightshade Forests/Dol Guldur. Fuck.
I must fix this when I get home tonight. If someone has uploaded them by the time I'm done work, the reward may surprise, confuse and maybe even slightly arouse you.
dunno, but my fave doesnt come from Dol Guldur.

Nightshade Forests>Dol Guldur

Lugburz, Farewell, track 4 and the last track from Stronghold
Don't know what ffs means? Fucking fap sandwich? Yea I can pull one out to this. It's the audiogenic equivalent of having a ripen teat in your mouth. A band worth moving to another country for.

I need to pick up Oath Bound, only heard it a couple times in mp3 format. All Hail Summoning!
I can't possibly choose.


Don't know what ffs means? Fucking fap sandwich? Yea I can pull one out to this. It's the audiogenic equivalent of having a ripen teat in your mouth. A band worth moving to another country for.

I need to pick up Oath Bound, only heard it a couple times in mp3 format. All Hail Summoning!

For fucks sake, ffs.
khazad dum, of course

but after that it gets hairy because nightshade forests, the loud music of the sky, a distant flame before the sun and a few others are all better than kortirion

hope this helps