The Big 4 concert live in theaters tonight

Danny rctv

Girl Band Geek!
May 22, 2002
San Francisco
Anybody going? I'm going here in San Fran. I saw a trailer for this. The thing I really hate is how commercialized this is when at one time all these bands were as uncommercial as you could get. Hell I saw all of them in Little clubs back in the day! In Megadeth's case I saw the open for bands like Exodus,Exciter,& Metal Church. Slayer's the most consistent band being the only one of these bands to still have their original line up(even though Dave Lombardo can be flaky) and stayed the most true to their roots. The first time I ever saw them was opening for Venom in '85! I'm glad Joey Belladonna is back in Anthrax again. I'm sure a US tour will follow as rumors are running rampant. This friend of mine is telling me I'm a "sell out" for going to this. You know what? I have more of a right to than most to go see this as I'm one of the people who were there at the inception of the Thrash Movement when no one even knew who these bands were. Anyways anyone else going?
I have more of a right to than most to go see this as I'm one of the people who were there at the inception of the Thrash Movement when no one even knew who these bands were.

Nobody has "more of a right" than another. It's there for fans of all the bands to enjoy, whether you saw their first gig or have yet to see them.

The Glasgow showing was AWESOME!!! Just like a real gig! Everyone was singing, yelling, chanting, headbanging and airguitaring in the aisles. :kickass:

Verdicts on the bands...

Anthrax - musically, fucking awesome but I WANT JOHN BUSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To quote my friend, "They would have been better without a 60 year old lesbian singing for them." (and I don't need an argument about the singer, I'm stick to fucking death of people fighting about this with me). Fantastic setlist.

Megadeth - I thought they were very tight but Mustaine's voice was bad. He's always been awful live. Just listen to the Rude Awakening dvd. He tries to sing without opening his mouth. The torrental downpour probably didn't help their set either. Nevertheless, I loved their set - couldn't believe they played Hook In Mouth!

Slayer - immense. Tom was looking very well and they all played great. Jeff is looking really old tho.

Metallica - what can I say. They delivered the goods and fucking rocked as usual.

The Am I Evil jam was one of the coolest things I have ever witnessed in my life. I'm so glad I didn't get a text about it from any of my friends who were there cos when Hetfield announced that, my jaw dropped and everyone in the cinema went CRAZY!!!!!! People stood up and started yelling, shouting and clapping. When they were showing all the band members hugging each other, the place was going nuts and when the song started everyone was roaring every word. It was just like being at a real gig which is probably why I came out with a sore throat, no voice and covered in sweat! Haha! :lol: :headbang:
I refuse to pay to go and watch a concert on a big TV screen.
Its as simple as that.

Its just more comercialised bullshit.
Its like quorn to meat, might have the taste but it just doesnt have the substance.

Why bring it out at cinemas, why not straight to DVD, lets face it, watching live perfomances of an entire concert on DVD is pretty boring, so why would it be any different at a theatre?

To experience a live show as its meant to be experienced, you need to be at the venue in person. Not in a cinema thousands of miles away.

Pathetic, it really is, I hope this is the one and only time its done.

For the record, I slated Metallica years ago when they toured with no support band and a video played before the performance.
For the record, I slated Metallica years ago when they toured with no support band and a video played before the performance.

And then played for three hours after that??? Hardly cause for complaint imo but fair enough. Down do that as well, I think it's brilliant cos they played videos of awesome bands inbetween back stage footage etc which I much prefer than listening to a shitty support band with crap sound that I don't know any of the songs of.

Like you say, you didn't want to go and you didn't which is your perogative. To me, this was no different than going to see Flight 666 in the cinema, cos there was interviews and shit inbetween bands as well. I wasn't sure what to expect but it was just like being at a gig at the screening I went to and it was SO much fun and would definitely do it again. Live dvd's and shit are cool but how many of us have 30ft wide tv's with surround sound in our houses? That made it all the cooler.

My friend brought up an excellent point that this is a great opportunity for people who haven't or can't see the bands live to get a little bit of what the "live" experience would be like. :)
Don't go to the movies very often, so decided to go check it out. Theater where I went was only about half full. Could have done without the random crowd shots of the arena filling up before the show. *yawn* Anthrax started their set and the audio wasn't very loud. People were yelling to turn it up. Finally, midway through their third song the volume was cranked up to where it should have been. People were cheering after every song. Made a cool surround sound effect. And yes, Mustaine sounded like crap. He has a habit of taking shows off with the vocals. Other than that, was a pretty good show. Was cool to see them all on Am I Evil? Looks like we'll see them over here in the U.S. at some point in the future.
I still cant see how going to watch a movie is a substitute for actually seeing the band. Being in a theatre, seated, with perhaps a hundred other people is cant possibly be anything like being at the concert.

Its like saying watching discovery channel about the african plains is like being on safari. Its not.

In a theatre on pre-recorded equipment you dont get the acoustics of the building the band are playing in, you get a sterile .....produced sound thats one gripe about this.
Two, you dont get the feeling of being there, of interacting with the band, they cant hear you screaming and singing etc
Three, You may or may not get the thumping of the bass bins in your chest or the feeling of the air whooshing past you if you are near the large speaker stacks I've never experienced that in theatre yet.
And you dont get smells, the sweatiness of spending your night in the pit and the total exhaustion of jumping up and down for 2 hours.

You dont even get the full benefit of the often fantastic lighting rigs, dependant on the equipment used to record and then dependant on the playback equipment it can leave a lot to be desired.
Even your top of the range TV cant display yellow properly, theres even an advert that back this up.

What you get is only a representation, a view of someone elses experience, that person is the cameraman/woman.

To me its like comparing the quality of a radio broadcast wiht that of Blue ray audio, its just missing things.

I cant be the only one that thinks this, because people would buy the cheaper live DVD's rather than going to see the band in concert at further expense.

Given I've been attendind gigs since 1991 my first ever concert being Alice cooper and wolfsbane, I've spent a fortune. I have only one live DVD...sorry two I forgot about this is spinal tap. And thats cos I bought the special edition of Flight 666, I really only wanted the audio but I got the one with the book and the DVD in with it cos it was only a few quid more than the CD.
I never thought for one moment that it's a subsitute for being there. Not in the slightest.

Nothing in my opinion beats being at a show but this was a fantastic way to let people all over the world, who couldn't actually be there in person, see this historic event and let them have even the slightest feeling of being actually at the show.
Nobody has "more of a right" than another. It's there for fans of all the bands to enjoy, whether you saw their first gig or have yet to see them.

I'm referring to my friend that was giving me crap about going & Time Warrior, you're taking it way too seriously! It was a lot of fun I had a blast & I've been going to live shows since 1984! It was something different to do. The theater I was at was half full also but everyone was singing a long & in to it.

My Quick review: I really enjoyed Anthrax & Belladoona blows Bush away sorry Jenna! It's so great he's back! Thank GAWD they didn't play "Bring Da Noize":puke:It was great when they ripped in to "Heaven & Hell" in the middle of "Indians" & gave props to Dio!

I thought Megadeth blew everyone away! 2 other people agreed with me but I did talk to someone that complained about Dave's voice as well. I think Megadeth has again reached that powerful level as a live band like they were over a decade ago.

I thought Slayer were pretty lackluster early on. I didn't really feel it until they played "Angel of Death" then they caught up to the intensity of Anthrax & Megadeth. You can tell Tom Araya had that neck surgery and can't head bang anymore. What was up with that red shirt?? I thought Slayer would be the best but they weren't IMHO but most people I talked to thought they were. You can never argue with Slayer fans.

Sorry again Jenna but I thought Metallica were Hella BORING! they rocked me to sleep :zzz: A lot of people left the theater when they went on.Looked like the crowd there in Belgium was way in to it but for me it's clear Metallica just don't have it anymore. they look like they're going through the motions, Hetfield looks like Howdy Doody & Lar$ is so GAY!! They were such an awesome live band in the late 80's & early 90's so intense & on fire! I was hopping they'd bust out a lot of their old fast Heavy stuff for this but I guess they can't play that fast any more. At least they did "Hit The Lights".

In all fairness NONE of these bands are the bands they used to be but I think Megadeth has the best chance of rising above based on the performance I saw. I did see "Clash of the Titans" in '91. Three of the "The Big 4" & I thought Anthrax were the best that night but all 3 of those bands were at their peak.Actually all 4 were! I wish this gig was done in '91!

It was great to see the jam session so those that left early, really blew it. I just wish they played the whole song & not just half of it. They kind of ended it abruptly. I liked seeing Dave,James & Joey trade the vocals.Was it just me or did I see only Dave Lombardo representing Slayer with everyone else? I noticed Tom & Jeff coming out to take a bow with the rest when it was over. They should have ended the concert there but Metallica did 2 more tunes.

Also I thought this was supposed to be live as it happened but obviously it was a tape delay which in a way was for the better because what's an audience in a movie theater going to do in between set changes?? Anyways it was a lot of fun and I look forward to this as a tour.
There is no need to apologise. Our opinions differ very much Danny, but what anyone else says won't change mine or yours to there's no need to say sorry. Most of my friends thought Megadeth's set was boring - but I very much enjoyed it. The red shirt that Tom was wearing was a Chilean football top - he was probably just showing support for his country for the world cup.

Milton Keynes in 93 was "historic"
Metallica, Megadeth, The Almighty and Diamond Head.

I was there, but I wouldnt have wanted to listen on the radio or watch it on TV.

Perhaps I'm just too suspicious, this kind of thing to me isnt historic, its just good publicity and good marketing. Its all about selling a product people want. That it should have been done 25 years ago is a key thing though.

I just dont agree with this cinema effort at all, I think its pretty poor actually, somewhere someone is raking in millions for very little effort and we all play along blind that we are possibly destroying a key part of live music. If this takes off do you think bands will tour as much as metallica have in the past when they can play live on one venue and beam it all around the world? It scare the hell out of me for the future of live music, it really does.
I think some company is experiementing to see if metal concerts will have a good following in theatres. After hearing only half the cinema was full, and it was on a limited run anyways, i think the answer is a resounding no. They probably lost a lot of money and I doubt they'll do this again. Much of what you see out there are corporate experiments to see if something sells or not. If it sells, you'll see much more of it - if it doesn't, they take the loss and move onto the next venture.

You don't see metal concert PPV btw? I think a comapny tried that years ago and it flopped. UFC/Boxing brings people over and they eat, drink and watch the fight. Metal concerts never made metalheads invite their friends over, grab beers and watch the concert on their tv.


Milton Keynes in 93 was "historic"
Metallica, Megadeth, The Almighty and Diamond Head.

I was there, but I wouldnt have wanted to listen on the radio or watch it on TV.

Perhaps I'm just too suspicious, this kind of thing to me isnt historic, its just good publicity and good marketing. Its all about selling a product people want. That it should have been done 25 years ago is a key thing though.

I just dont agree with this cinema effort at all, I think its pretty poor actually, somewhere someone is raking in millions for very little effort and we all play along blind that we are possibly destroying a key part of live music. If this takes off do you think bands will tour as much as metallica have in the past when they can play live on one venue and beam it all around the world? It scare the hell out of me for the future of live music, it really does.

Of course you're entitled to your opinion but I believe you're missing the point here - I didn't mean the cinema thing was historic cos that's been done before by other bands but the fact that Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer and Anthrax are sharing a bill together for the first time EVER - to me, that is historic. That is the only reason they chose to do the whole cinema thing imo.

As for the cinema screenings - I believe that it's a one off thing. I don't see it happening again. It's just because this is such a momentus event and it was a chance for fans all over the world to get the tiniest glimpse of actually being there.
I am in central Germany and and was going to see The Big Four in Czech Republic but the ole american dollar is just too weak here...the train ride alone was one way over 100 euro..not to mention the concert ticket was 75 euro. Oh well, gonna see the Rock Harz and Bang Your Head Festival next month...and maybe With Full force Festival. Lots closer and cheaper.
Of course you're entitled to your opinion but I believe you're missing the point here - I didn't mean the cinema thing was historic cos that's been done before by other bands but the fact that Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer and Anthrax are sharing a bill together for the first time EVER - to me, that is historic. That is the only reason they chose to do the whole cinema thing imo.

As for the cinema screenings - I believe that it's a one off thing. I don't see it happening again. It's just because this is such a momentus event and it was a chance for fans all over the world to get the tiniest glimpse of actually being there.

I may be missing the point I accept that, but Metallica and Megadeth have played before, so its clutching at straws to say its historic.

Historic show for me was when Jeff wayne took war of the worlds on tour live. I got to see it first time round after waiting most of my life from about 12 onwards to see it live.

I'm just so down with music right now, its stale and crap, I hate seeing kids wearing Nirvana T-shirts, when they werent even born before Kurt sprayed the room with brains. I hate the fact that in some cases music hasnt moved on, I dont see an awfull lot of change in the likes of Megadeth and Metallica arent a shade of what they used to be. Perhaps its because they are all becoming old men, even Maiden these days are making decisions that to many fans are unacceptable and the music is calming down.

Like them or loathe them Slipknot were a blast of fresh air back in the day, before that Pantera but this kind of energy is sadly lacking now, and metallica are in it for the money these days and maybe that takes me to the bottom of why I feel this way, is it metallicas quest for more and more money thats pushed this whole idea through?
I may be missing the point I accept that, but Metallica and Megadeth have played before, so its clutching at straws to say its historic.

Historic show for me was when Jeff wayne took war of the worlds on tour live. I got to see it first time round after waiting most of my life from about 12 onwards to see it live.

I'm just so down with music right now, its stale and crap, I hate seeing kids wearing Nirvana T-shirts, when they werent even born before Kurt sprayed the room with brains. I hate the fact that in some cases music hasnt moved on, I dont see an awfull lot of change in the likes of Megadeth and Metallica arent a shade of what they used to be. Perhaps its because they are all becoming old men, even Maiden these days are making decisions that to many fans are unacceptable and the music is calming down.

Like them or loathe them Slipknot were a blast of fresh air back in the day, before that Pantera but this kind of energy is sadly lacking now, and metallica are in it for the money these days and maybe that takes me to the bottom of why I feel this way, is it metallicas quest for more and more money thats pushed this whole idea through?

all the Big 4 have played together in separate shows & tours at one time or another but NEVER all 4 together on one bill so it is historic in that respect. It was a dream show for a lot of fans. I myself have ALWAYS wanted to see this. Yes there are young kids in Nirvana shirts today but is it any different when I was in High school in the 80's & there were kids in Jimi Hendrix shirts? Actually kids today still dig Hendrix. Every generation discovers the classics. Look how many generations of Beatles fans there are (and I hate the Beatles!)

I resent Johnny come latelys too but have learned to live with it. Live music will never die even if some concerts are shown in theaters. Remember there some people stuck in states & countries where they NEVER get to see a big concert so count your blessing that you're able to! In the 80's there was a big uproar that home recordings was killing music,it didn't. It will always survive.

Back when MTV was brand new they used to broadcast a live concert every Saturday night. Not everyone had cable TV back then so when they'd air a good Heavy Metal concert,you'd have a bunch of friends over to watch it. Good times. AC/DC's "Let There Be Rock" concert movie was shown in movie theaters at midnight screenings. I saw Iron Maiden's "Powerslave" home video concert in a movie theater once and even ordered an Ozzy Osbourne/Bullet Boys concert on Pay Per View in 1989. but I still go to live shows regularly. I do it all for METAL!!
but Metallica and Megadeth have played before

On the same stage, together, playing one song - they haven't! The "feud" was still rife when that happened. Dave blantently slamming Kirk from side stage and now he's onstage hugging him.

I'm just so down with music right now, its stale and crap, I hate seeing kids wearing Nirvana T-shirts, when they werent even born before Kurt sprayed the room with brains.

Does that mean they can't like the music? I'm not saying there aren't people who wear the shirts to be "fashionable" but some do like the music. My nephew is 10 and he loves Nirvana. He also loves AC/DC and Metallica. Because he wasn't alive when Kurt/Bon/Cliff was, does that mean he's not allowed to wear the shirts?? What a ridiculous concept.
Have to agree with Jenna on this one!

One of my earliest, and most vivid memories of being a metal fan, was listening to Donnington Monsters Of Rock on Radio 1. And the Moscow Peace Festival. I had absolutely no way of getting to those events, so listening to them on the radio was the closest I could get to being there. For people who neither have the money, nor the means to travel to a big event like that, then being able to watch it on DVD or the cinema, or listening to it on the radio is the best substitute. Of course its not the same as being there, but its better than missing the event altogether. I remember sometime in the early 90's, going to the cinema to watch AC/DC's headlining set at Donnington, and I enjoyed it a lot.

I also agree that having a go at kids for wearing band shirts is just stupid. Yep, Im sure there are some that just wear them to be 'cool'. But I was wearing Metallica/Megadeth/Maiden shirts when I was 13. Should I not have been allowed to wear them cos of my age, even though I loved the bands? Ludicrous.
I also agree that having a go at kids for wearing band shirts is just stupid. Yep, Im sure there are some that just wear them to be 'cool'. But I was wearing Metallica/Megadeth/Maiden shirts when I was 13. Should I not have been allowed to wear them cos of my age, even though I loved the bands? Ludicrous.

The thing is, metallica/megadeth and maiden were and are still producing albums. I was complaining about kids wearing t-shirts of bands that split before they were born.

Doesnt mean they cant listen to the music, I just think it looks stupid them wearing Nirvana t-shirts when they are like 10.

I've been having a right rant for a few days and it was all started by this big 4 cinema freak effort. (i've been ranting at my friends too and on Facebook ;) )

Like i said I'm just reall ypissed off right now with music and I honestly think that what it comes down to is that I really dislike metallicas money driven ways.

Listenng on the radio has been around for a long time. I once listened to the set of Donnington 92 to catch Skid row and Maiden. I really disliked the experience. So in 1994 I decided to go to Monsters of rock. It blew me away.
I did the same for the Reading Festival, saw some amazing bands but it wouldnt enter my head to turn on the TV and watch highlights of what is now the carling festival......Wouldnt do it for Glastonbury either.

No where else to roam Europe 93 was also broadcast live on Radio 1, it was also filmned and shown on a tv series on BBC2 called the music Business. I caught it at my mates house and got all chuffed cos I wa son BBC tv throwing sour milk over the hedge and pissing in a bushes.
I watched it and found the live footage a let down, it wasnt anywhere near as good as being there.

Cant help it, I say what I think and feel.
The thing is, metallica/megadeth and maiden were and are still producing albums. I was complaining about kids wearing t-shirts of bands that split before they were born.

Doesnt mean they cant listen to the music, I just think it looks stupid them wearing Nirvana t-shirts when they are like 10.

Again, I don't understand this, whether a band has split up or not, but it's your opinion which you are completely entitled to. Me, on the other hand, I LOVE seeing kids wearing band shirts. I think it's awesome that the next generation are listening to the bands I love and will hopefully carry that on to become the next headbangers. :headbang:
On the same stage, together, playing one song - they haven't! The "feud" was still rife when that happened. Dave blantently slamming Kirk from side stage and now he's onstage hugging him.

I saw Megadeth play first on the bill under Metal Church,Exodus & Metallica on New Year's Eve '85/86 Megadeth & Metal Church were replacing Anthrax & Slayer who were originally going to play that gig. Megadth did do some Festival dates with Metallica headlining around '92 I think.

And Just for you Time Warrior I'm once again posting this video! This is definitely your anthem!!
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