~The Big Love Test!~


i win!
Says should be less selfish...I guess I am a bit of a greedy cunt:) THE PASSIONATE LOVER. You love the feeling to be in love, that's why you are always in search for a relationship. You cannot live without it. Your partner must be passionate and flexible. He/She should not be commanding but to fulfill your desires . You dont want a relationship without passion, and the sexuality plays a big part. The first impression is the most important. There has to be something between you which you cannot explain. From the first moment on everything must fix. But when this passion disappears, you disappear to. For you it is better to leave than to see your love restrained.
TIP: Try to be less selfish !
apparently i'm an ice princess...


BEAUTIFUL ICE PRINCESS/PRINCE . You are very difficult to get. You have big requirements and this one you love must try hard to get you. But after she/he melt your heart she/he will be the most happy person in the world. You need someone who shoes you that you are someone SPECIAL and it makes you feel good to see that you are loved. She/He shall know that you could easily get another girl/boyfriend ,but you won't as long as you love your partner. when she/he hurts you, you will hurt him too, but in general you dont get hurt. If your partner cheated you ,you would react cold and immediately (try to) forget or to hurt him/her.
TIP: Try to show your partner what you really feel! You are very good at hiding your true emotions, which can make you seem to be arrogant.

this is what mine sid
THE PASSIONATE LOVER. You love the feeling to be in love, that's why you are always in search for a relationship. You cannot live without it. Your partner must be passionate and flexible. He/She should not be commanding but to fulfill your desires . You dont want a relationship without passion, and the sexuality plays a big part. The first impression is the most important. There has to be something between you which you cannot explain. From the first moment on everything must fix. But when this passion disappears, you disappear to. For you it is better to leave than to see your love restrained.TIP: Try to be less selfish !
imisseverygood showbecauseiam5 said:
apparently i'm an ice princess...


BEAUTIFUL ICE PRINCESS/PRINCE . You are very difficult to get. You have big requirements and this one you love must try hard to get you. But after she/he melt your heart she/he will be the most happy person in the world. You need someone who shoes you that you are someone SPECIAL and it makes you feel good to see that you are loved. She/He shall know that you could easily get another girl/boyfriend ,but you won't as long as you love your partner. when she/he hurts you, you will hurt him too, but in general you dont get hurt. If your partner cheated you ,you would react cold and immediately (try to) forget or to hurt him/her.
TIP: Try to show your partner what you really feel! You are very good at hiding your true emotions, which can make you seem to be arrogant.

Same for me :lol:
imisseverygood showbecauseiam5 said:
i guess i shud stop tryign then
just go to a party with her,according to me thats when you strike roxane!
THE SOUL MATE. You have been searching for your special someone now for a very long time but never have met him. But there is still this hope to find someone, who understands you in every single way. This special someone has not to be just like you, he has to complement you. Your Partner has to know when you want to be left alone and when you need him around.
TIP: Don't be too choosy at the start! Some things require time
SEXUAL ONE. You need no love, you only need sex, sex, and sex. Its more a sport than an act of love. As long as you have got your orgasm everything is fine. It may comes a time where you have sex with the same person for maybe 5 months but usually you change partner often. You need no feelings and often you hurt your other but you dont care, you had fun. Sometimes the hunt is this that makes you horny but after you had sex with the person you loose your interest.
TIP: Don't pretend to be someone you aren't!.....