The Big Squishy

Nov 15, 2003
Cotter, Ar
What a friggin tragedy. I hope the looters (the ones that aren't looking for food) end up eating their new shoes and clothes to stay alive. I'm happy to see Texas step up and offer what they have. More states need to follow suit. And wtf is taking so long to get the military in there to assist? They should have been there the day the hurricane hit.
Lord of Delusions said:
And wtf is taking so long to get the military in there to assist? They should have been there the day the hurricane hit.

Our illegal occupation of Iraq [and not surprisingly all recruiting goals failing] is keeping the military rather busy.
Jeff Milne said:
Our illegal occupation of Iraq [and not surprisingly all recruiting goals failing] is keeping the military rather busy.

True, but we have recruits that are not yet ready for battle that could be sent to Louisiana to assist.

Also, shortly after my original post I realized that some of those people grabbing shoes and clothing could be doing it because what they are wearing is contaminated with god knows what...however I am sure that is not always the case.
Lord of Delusions said:
Also, shortly after my original post I realized that some of those people grabbing shoes and clothing could be doing it because what they are wearing is contaminated with god knows what...however I am sure that is not always the case.

Yes contaminated clothes plus the shoes are needed to protect their feet from the broken glass etc.,when walking thru the water. A lady taking shoes said this on the news.
I heard there was this one guy that carried a TV away on his back in order to survive; oh yea, right along with all the guns and ammunition from Wal-Mart, and I guess they had to shoot at those Government helicopters today in order to survive. What a bunch of… - oh forget it….
I just heard on the radio that the prisons and jails in New Orleans were emptied into the super dome, and am now on busses heading to Texas, they will most certainly get lost into the crowd and will never willingly return to incarceration.
RoboCaster said:
I just heard on the radio that the prisons and jails in New Orleans were emptied into the super dome, and am now on busses heading to Texas, they will most certainly get lost into the crowd and will never willingly return to incarceration.

Doh! Well, its not like the Louisiana police force doesn't know who they are. They will probably have the option to return to custody peacefully, or get hunted down painfully.